We all know that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, right?
Many people do not realize their super charged energy can cause electronic and electric appliances interferences. Really?
Yes!!! And I want to admit I am one of those people.
Sometimes really WEIRD things happen when I am super excited, charged, loaded with a lot of energy, even when I am super happy or upset, when while asleep or when in the presence of people with high energetic vibrations.
Let me tell you, it can be frustrating, it can get annoying if this type of energy runs for way long, so it is good practice to get centered, grounded, breath deeply, say a prayer and make peace with these energies, so your energies won’t act up and cause electronic interferences.
Sliders: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena
Despite the name, Sliders phenomena are not limited to street lights only. Often folks who share your “ability” can’t wear watches; they will stop working within a couple of days, regardless of how many new batteries are put in them.
They also affect other electrical appliances such as headlights and alternators in automotive vehicles, lights/light bulbs and computers. Light bulbs may blow every time a “SLIder” touches a lamp or a light switch.
Computers may freeze up or experience other problems. CD players may change tracks suddenly whenever a SLIder is near. Magnetic phenomena may also manifest. For example, SLIders may be unable to use credit cards because the cards become unreadable after they’ve been carried on their person. Your irregular EKG is probably your energy causing the equipment to malfunction.
Those who share these experiences are usually relieved to hear that they are not alone. Most spent years questioning what was happening, until eventually they were convinced that something unusual was going on. Like you, all independently report that high emotion plays a key role in such experiences. When they are upset, angry or simply very excited, the phenomena really kick in.
Super-charged bioenergy fields (auras) seem to be the cause. The human nervous system is chemical and electrical in nature. (Neurotransmitters are electrical impulses). When we are emotionally wound up, our nervous systems light up like a busy switchboard. While in most people this does not affect street lights, etc., in people who already have very high energy, getting revved up can boost them to a level where they actually affect electrical systems around them in noticeable ways. Many electrical appliances are easily affected or damaged by sparks of high voltage electricity. We might say that high energy people who are revved up send off “sparks” that trip or blow fuses.
As for what causes this, the theories vary. On the down to earth side of the spectrum, theorists suggest that these phenomena are entirely explainable in bioenergetic terms, though why some people seem to have higher energy than others, no one knows. As I see it, everything is related, so it’s impossible to explain anything on a purely physical level.
Everything in the universe is energy. Everything that appears to be solid is in fact almost entirely empty space with patterns of energy running through it. Our bodies vibrate at a frequency of approximately 8 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Should our frequency become abnormally high or low, unusual things might begin to happen such as what you describe.
This shift in frequency could have a number of different causes. Many who have had near death experiences report SLIder phenomena ever after. Other SLIders have been struck by lightning or suffered a major electrical shock at some point in the past. Still others claim to have had UFO or alien experiences. Some theorists claim that humans who have lived on other planets in previous lives will be born on Earth with different energy and abilities, including what you’re describing here. For more information, search the ‘net for “star seed,” “Indigo children,” or “Indigo adults.” In any case, it appears that something alters SLIders’ energetic frequencies, thus causing unusual electrical phenomena.
It’s important to note that electrical phenomena following the death of a loved one or following attempts at communication with loved ones in Spirit are often efforts by spirits to get our attention. Just as our own energy can affect electrical systems, so can the energy of spirits. In fact, working with non-physical energy/electricity is the easiest way for them to affect physical reality. Not all anomalous electrical manifestations are SLIder situations.
At the same time, many “electric people” also report a high degree of psychic ability or related experiences. This only makes sense, since “high energy” means “high vibration,” which is the foundation of psychic development. These people not only “transmit” their own energy to other electrical systems, they also “receive” energy from them. They are very sensitive to high energy environments and situations, often painfully so. For example, they may “feel” discomfort if a fluorescent light is on anywhere in the house. As Vick Noble explains it in Shakti Woman, “Whereas it seems that the skin is the boundary of the person in ‘normal’ reality, when that same person opens psychically, the boundary expands. The person feels herself extending out beyond the body, taking up more space, feeling things in an extrasensory way. What we took for granted as a kind of density in the physical realm is suddenly called into question on every level.”
I believe that spiritual “awakening” is the development of heightened awareness of all that is already there. Most people are sleepwalking through life, filtering out all but the most obvious stimuli. When we awaken, we become more aware not only of dense physical reality, but also the subtler energetic reality underlying (and creating) the physical. As we begin to move into this higher level of awareness, we become energetically supercharged and sensitive. In traditional spiritual terms, this might be called a “kundalini experience.” (There’s another good search term for you). Many who experience a surge in kundalini include electrical phenomena in their list of “symptoms.”
As we are ever evolving on an upward spiral, it’s a good idea to learn how to work with your high energy. Since this phenomenon is closely tied to high emotion, one way to try to control it is to simply be calm. Before you go to the chiropractor, spend some time in meditation or yoga cultivating inner peace. If you worry that the machine won’t work again, you’ll only get emotionally revved up and produce the same experience again.
There are many gifts in having a high vibration. I encourage you to research further, and to explore how you might use your “electric personality” in helpful, positive ways.
– Julia
A few Things that can help with this Type of intense energetic transition:
~Peace and relaxation orgone pendant which is effective for relaxing in ordinary as well as unusually stressful situations, promoting harmony and tranquility.
~ blue lotus lily elixir or rescue remedy
~deep breathing
~ grounding and centering, connecting to Earth (feet chakra balancers orgone pieces will not only help with grounding but offer protection) specially during sleep when we are more vulnerable
~ yoga and spiritual practices
~ meditation as mind calms
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It’s actually a nice and useful piece of information. I am glad that you shared this helpful info with us.
Please stay us informed like this. Thank you for sharing.
Yes my name is Laura ..Okay~~~ i cannot wear watches. I have the street lights going out as i drive near them…. My microwave light went out very quickly .. I cannot stay in front of my computer long or it starts doing all kinds of weird things…Ok just wanted to send my little list of things i have noticed with Sliders :O
It’s ok Laura.
You’re in good company.
Thank you for this article. I have a whole channel on the awakening process on YouTube and I didn’t realize there was a word for this. I walk in a room and every light flickers and blow. Always having glass everywhere.
Of anyone has any questions, I’m wuite sure I can answer or explain anything about any ability. Head over to YouTube Awak3n Tiffany H. Lewis.
⭐️ Blessed be. ⭐️
I found this site looking for answers regarding people who cause strange electrical phenomena but cannot find one person that has the same degree of phenomena that i experience. Besides All of the usual things mentioned here, On several different occasions, I have had electrical generators explode while I was walking underneath them and although the explosion occurs over my head, Ive never been burned while those around me have had their clothes melted into their skin and suffered severe burns. These explosions knocked out the power at my job, my street and always require the help of our electric company to fix/replace the equipment. Happened again just the other day and a wave of electricity went up my back, lifting my hair all the way up. The tips of my ears burn and all along my hair line but that’s it. Knocked out the whole neighborhood. Why does this keep happening to me? I was struck by lightning at 5 yrs old. Could this Have anything to do with it?
The fact that you were struck by lightning at age 5 could very likely be a factor. I am no expert on this subject.
I have had many unexplainable activities occur around
all kinds of electronics for the last 30 years. Can you feel the energy if you slowly bring your hands together? You may notice a magnetic feeling, or warmth or cold. After a little practice, others will feel it as well. Years ago I had walkie talkie radios fail daily while working on stage for the taping of a T.V. game show. It was a real bummer.
I too was struck by lightening (twice) and since then I have become a slider, my eldest son is also a slider and in fact he has it bad he cannot operate technology without blowing computers, mobile phones and finds it funny giving his mates electric shocks when he touches them. I seem to affect lights and give shocks also it has progressed now to telekenisis which is unnerving especially those I am angry at, it seems to increase on emotive feelings. Nice to see there are others like myself and my son, don’t feel such a weirdo now.
Thank you so much for this article, I needed this!
wow…I am still getting chills after reading this. For years, my mother and I both would tell people of this weird electricity about us, how lightbulbs dont last and how we cannot wear watches. How I shouldnt use someone elses cell phone for a length of time, why batteries are replaced so frequently and no, you shouldnt sit there, I always do and it may mess with your equilibrium. Wow. I don’t know what else to say except wow. I had learned to explain it away using “our brains use electricity to send messages, and its as though i am a better conductor due to a high iron count or something”… I had spoken of this to someone only yesterday…for the first time in months i had thought about it even. wow
I have had many years of this type phenomenon happening…anytime I get near a computer it fouls up…a lot of cash registers in shopping and the like….I recently visited my aunt who has an idea her house may be haunted….well my brand new cell phone I had for two days mysteriously quit working….and two days later it came back on.,..this baffles me…I try to dismiss a lot of things.and they always find a way back to me….it is aggravating but very cool too.i feel like I may be a chosen one.
Have blown out fuses in my car. They used to last days nows just hours. Used to be when i charged my phone. Now even if its not in use it goes out. Lights have started flickering more often. If my cells near my chest it loses reception n location. Not very usefull abilities so far. They feel like their growing. Anyone know of any neat tricks or uses?
Great article, thank you. Every time I’m upset and use my phone or computer they completely fritz out. It only adds to my frustration. At knowing what is going on will help a lot.
Wow, for a person who googles everything, I have reached a point to google and found this. Helps as i already had come to my own understanding through much of my own unserstanding, belief and logic.
For the first time can find a place where i can be relatable. Thanks for sharing
I decided to Google static electricity because it plagues me. I shock myself and children often. It is frustrating.
I really noticed it when my began to glow. That was weird. I’d like to find a way to control it. Thanks for all in put on this.
I have had basic problems only with my house lights when touch switch blow and the bulb drops on the floor when I was asleep something was telling me to blow the bulb I wake up to a Big Bang and glass all over the floor and sometimes when I am by switches I see colours electricity colours strange it all started when my son was born 2007 and I have heart problems and a mumur am I imagining it xxxx
I have suffered from this all my life. The article was like reading a book of me, especially when I read about things going crazy depending on emotion. I was recently told that it was all in my head and then I found your article! I feel better. My husband put all the new last forever light bulbs in my home. I have been through 5 of them in under 3 months. I have never been able to wear a watch as they never work and once when having a horrible argument with my husband a light bulb exploded over his head . He accused me of doing it on purpose! If only I could know when and where such events were to happen!I would hang around the casinos!
I’ve videoed street lights going out when I walk under them to prove to my friends I’m not crazy.
My wife has same issues and we go through light bulbs like crazy.
I’m glad there is a warranty on cell phones because Apple has replaced mine 3 times
I can also sense when there is anegative entity. I theorize the kinetic energy may be some sort of pshyic defense we don’t understand. Like if a negative energy attempts to move in it gets repulsed. I know it’s there and feel the anger growing because it can’t come closer to me
Did you ever have a near death experience or were u ever electrocuted I am a slider and it started when I was young it freaked me out and am still trying to figure out what caused this and why they say to pray about it I’m a very good person.
I have had many experiences. I was involved in an accidental fire and believed my body vibrated at a higher level than the flames and that is why my skin did not burn.
wow! impressive! I believe it!
Wow finally there is a name for what I have experienced my entire life. I use this energy to heal myself and others.
For as long as I remember, street lights, not all though, would go out whenever I passed under them. Walking or driving. There’s one a block away that does it constantly. So sciences explanation that it’s due to a timer, or a dying bulb is bs. Also occurs in grocery stores, above fluorescent lights, security lights etc. T note though, a couple of psychics who knew things about methey never could have known or googled have told me I have 5he ability. I ignore it though. I know it’s there, but I do not tap into it.
I literally have had the whole blowing light bulb problem my whole life and have asked people if it happens to them and naturally they think I am nuts. I have experienced many electronic malfunctions mostly with the computer to which I get most frustrated. But tonight I was really upset just had an emotionally charged conversation I went to the computer and clicked on a game. The computer started making a buzzing noise, the screen (which is connected to a TV by HDMI) Started flickering and now nothing works. I told my husband a few weeks ago about the pheonomena and he made fun of me. He even mentioned it today. I wonder if he thinks I’m nuts now! 🤣
Hi i have been one for years and linked my self with street lights and the round eltrical boxes neer my home
Glad I came across this article. Up until about 6 months ago I hadn’t experienced this phenomena. At that time, I was extremely upset about something, and upon entering my home office soon noticed that a battery-operated clock about 3 feet from where I sat stopped advancing the time. 45 minutes later I had to leave the room suddenly. A couple of hours later, now calm, I returned, and noticed the clock was running normally, but 45 minutes behind the true time. The clock had stopped when I first entered the room that day, and started running again as soon as I had left the room. When I told my wife about it, she laughed at me, and I haven’t mentioned about this experience since.
I’ve probably always had this problem but became aware of it after I had a radio replaced 4 times in a new car. It would become full of static and useless. I finally gave up and just kept it off. Someone else was riding with me and I stopped for an errand and she turned on the radio while I was gone. She mentioned that the radio was fine until I re-entered the car! Used to get take-out at a restaurant and their radio was by the register. Every time I went in the radio would start with static and they would hit it or try to tune it. I just tried to leave quickly. I blow bulbs like crazy, go through batteries. I have to get a new room card at hotels each time I want to re-enter my room. However, the card will work if I have someone else use it. I don’t carry any cards on my person. The streetlights go out. The local grocery store was remodeling and had the ceiling panels removed. I was sending sparks from anything metal I touched! Other customers saw and asked if I was ok. I had to shop elsewhere until they finished. I do know that with a few electronics, they seemed “fried ” but after months of being left alone, they “discharged” and functioned again. I have to have leather seats in my car because the fabric seats generate shocks. I used to have to keep dryer sheets in my back pocket and that only helped a bit. I asked a Dr about it all once and he got indignant with me and all but called me a liar. Then he asked what difference it would make? I think I’d think twice about a pacemaker!!! Thank you for your sharing. I feel like a member of an elite society now!😂
I have been experience this stuff my whole life but I’m not be sure if it’s me or a Sprite like today I was upset and talking to my husband and we live off the grid. So we have lights that are run by three double AA batteries on the ceiling and around or room well they ran out of life yesterday and we talking and three of them turned on bright as hell and are slowly dieing as I calm down
I seriously thought i was being tortured by a higher level or something without going through all the detail with Burning Lights Out cards not working going through tons of batteries I guess I’m not crazy after all, I just dont have the time nor patients, and it always seems to happen at the most opportune time!
OMG, totally me. Go thru phones, computer issues And blew out my starter when I was on the phone upset in my car. So glad to better understand.
Phones, computers, disks and tablets. Half the lights in my house no longer work and they only blow when I turn them on. I can’t get most of them back on without getting someone in. Has anyone found a way to be able to turn on lights (I. E. Gloves or anything)?
Oh my goodness! Thank God there are other people out there experiencing it too! In 2004 I was abducted by aliens and ever since then my psychic abilities have skyrocketed! I’ve accurately predicted 4 deaths the day before they happened, turn street lights off, can tell you before a phone is about to ring, but HOW DO YOU HARNESS IT?? There has to be a way right? It’s really hard to do it on purpose but I’ve been working on transferring the energy to people that aren’t suspecting it. Does anyone out there have steel rods attached to their spine like I do and does it cause you a ton of pain to be upset?
I googled static electricity because I kept blowing up my stuff I never thought that googling static electricity would get me this far and understanding what was going on thanks so much .
Oh my gosh! Thank you for this article! I am the only person in my family that is affected by this phenomenon. I drain the power from watches and other small devices, then I purge the power at random, shorting out larger items or shocking people (or myself.) I have shorted out lights, computers, electric outlets, and larger electrical equipment. As a child, I used to improve the reception on radios and the TV, by touching the antenna. Batteries go bad SO quick for me, it’s almost a joke to buy them. I don’t use my phone much, but by the end of the day it’s at about 14% charge. It lasts longer if I don’t keep it in my pocket or hold it in my hand. When I make a call, I lay it on a surface and put it on speaker. To make the battery last longer, I touch the phone as little as possible, even through clothing.
Seriously, have to comment on this… While, I was reading this, I was getting really emotional. About halfway through reading the article, my computer mouse (which I JUST charged yesterday) died, and I had to charge it again! I’ve been told by so many people “whatever THIS is, it’s NOT a real thing!” Few people have ever believed me, except for the watch repair guy at the mall. Thanks for believing me!
(He calls me “watch-killer” and makes me stand like 15 ft away from his kiosk.) He’s not the nicest guy, but at least he doesn’t treat me like I’m crazy!
This past week I have gotten into crystal healing, and tried meditating with Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst last night. I sleep with Amethyst every night as well. After meditating with those stones/crystals on my third eye Chakra, today has been a bit off.
Three times today when I was experiencing extreme emotion, my WiFi cut out twice, and the sound on my laptop became slowed and distorted. It could be coincidence, but it was happening at the exact moment that I was expressing anger or excitement.
What should I make of this? At all other times my electronics were fine.
BRILLIANT!! Most sense that’s ever been made of my situation 😊
As an interesting twist, over my life I’ve had a problem with stopping watches. The odd thing is it only happened when I was pre-pubescent, and again now that I’m post-menopausal. I could wear watches with no problem all through my menstrual years. It was also worse when I wore watches on my right wrist instead of my left. I’ve always wondered why.
I am a slider. When I ride in Lyfts the gps goes off most of the time. For awhile every time I would walk over an overpass the street lights would go off as I would walk by and come on when I passed. Computers always crash, copy machines, postage machines etc. Good to hear that I am not the only one. Tonight my phone was going crazy and blitzing out. My phone was on 1 percent for an hour call with a friend. I think I was charging my phone with my energy. I am a healer so I figured it was an energy thing but I didn’t think to google it until my phone went haywire tonight. It went from 100 percent to 16 percent and was flashing and really going nuts. It is sort of funny.
I was just telling my brother I “do” things to electronics and I finally decided to google it. Sometimes I think I’m exaggerating so I’m happy to feel validated.
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So, I am a slider I guess. Or a Metahuman. I can actually create the electrical arc. And by creating the arc, I mean, that I can send energy through the use of molecules. You can use the energy to heal others. In person, the furthest my arch has been felt is up to 50 yards and that wasn’t even trying. You have numbed a friends sore tooth, healed an ulcer, and taken the pain away from my Mom. But since the power is unknown, you must be careful. You have to be on top of this power be ahead of it, or it will control you. If you leave it alone, it will grow. If you exercise it, it will grow. So therefore you must choose how you want it to grow. Last but not least, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
Wow! I cannot wear a watch of any kind as they stop working. I have blown light bulbs, even the long lasting kind, one after another if I am really upset about something.
Thankfully this has not happened in a long time.
People ask why I don’t wear a watch. Very interesting!
For years I discharged flashlight batteries. Would buy new lights, bulbs, replace batteries and watch as the bulb dimmed after a few minutes and died. Friends on retreat or traveling with me couldn’t understand why I stopped carrying my own until they witnessed for themselves what happened when I held theirs. Before that I demagnetized my debit cards so often the bank, after assuring themselves I wasn’t carrying something with a magnet, assigned me my own customer service rep to expedite replacements. These days as I get older and my 20+ year meditation practice continues to deepen the only minor nuisance involves phone apps starting up on their own.
I looked up this info because I just fried my vacuum sweeper (not very old), and two days ago it was my fan only about 3 months old. This can get expensive. In my car, I have one electrical lock that won’t work, and 3 electric windows that won’t work. My CD player is sporadic. I get so tired of everything malfunctioning when I’m around. At my last job as a Business Analyst, they had to replace the cable (from the ceiling to my desk) that burnt out, and I had constant computer malfunctions that seriously made me look like I was the one that didn’t know what I was doing. When someone else would replicate exactly what I did, it would work. They would look at me like I was crazy.
I have just decided I will never get another car with electrical windows and locks, much less all the other electrical goodies they are putting into them now…I can’t imagine the nightmares that would potentially cause.
I have known I am a bit psychic for quite a long time, and this just adds one more piece of evidence. I have been trying to decide whether to grow and use this ability as a career to help others. Thanks for one more sign that I should, but I will need to learn better how to control the electrical charges.
Great article!
I can activate the screen on my iPad by having my finger over a place and intend to tap it but before I do physically touch it it acts as if it was touched. It’s like my intention physically comes out of my finger.Yes, pretty mild compared to a lot of people here!
Hello, I’m amazed at finding out that I’m not imagining things.all my life i could not keep a watch working,even as an adult getting expensive ones.others would wear them no problems i put it on and it would stop within minutes. At 20 yrs old i was ‘mildly’ electrocuted in a bathtub. Since then everything got worse, burning out lights as i enter a oom, even the lampposts go off as i drive . My ex thought i was crazy, and i was starting to believe him.
Thank you so much ,now i know I’m not alone.
I’ve had many of these things for as long as I can remember. I learned by reactions that it was easier to just let them happen & not say anything to most people. As people are becoming more aware & open, it’s easier to talk about it. My husband had to actually see some of the things that happen like my walking into a room & the TV would turn off, or on. When stressed, things fall off shelves, counters including heavy books. Many who have written in here have problems with watches. I went for years unable to wear them. My cousin has many similar things & we have discussions. She found that watches running with quartz will work. I tried it and it works. I’ve always had some kind of draw to quartz, especially rose quartz. If you have problems with pens (ink stops working, I always had 3 so I could put one down, by the time I rotated back it would work for a short time. Again, my cousin & I found we can use gel pens without too much trouble. Lights, computers, machines like washers & dryers, I haven’t figured out yet. Hope the few things I suggested help some of you. *It is real, honest!*
This article gives me the chills
About 8-9 years ago I had a very vivid and dangerously close near death experience. Emotionally, I broke down immediately afterward. From that point on I began to notice all sorts of strange paranormal-ish phenomena. It was like it was following me from apartment to apartment to rental home etc.
Years later I began to notice so many things happening to me. I soon discovered through my own extensive reading that I was undergoing a spiritual awakening.
As my awakening progressed and my vibrational levels fluctuated I started to become freaked out by lights and smaller electronics near me. It happened so frequently that I couldn’t help notice that these lights and TVs etc were doing strange things only in my presence.
I have researched and researched about this crazy pattern. For years, until I just found your article. It gives me such goosebumps. I feel like you wrote this autobiography about my life and I finally got a copy.
Even the mention of psychic abilities hit very close to home. Am I a super hero?!
One more crazy tidbit I left out.
As you mentioned in your article. I swear on my soul, that I saw a UFO like 4 months ago in South TX. The second I stepped outside into my backyard and looked up it was right there. Almost felt like it wanted me to see it. I still get goosebumps as I type this story.
I didn’t know this was a thing. My whole life I’ve joked about this, even a few have witnessed devices malfunction. Wow!
I have been a slider for 20 years, beginning during a spiritual awakening. I had to quit my job as a graphic artist w computers dying all the time, I blew up a street light transformer while going for a casual walk under it, broke a microwave, I still run fown my car battery, cant wear a watch or it breaks, I can not use cell phones too much. Lots more. I had an alien experience, was almost murdered, so maybe near death experience? I am very psycic, am an energy healer and got lots of training for that, meditate, use the orgon and crystals to help me w the energy. Yoga, tai chi, dancing,walking in nature and heart centered meditation help. ❤️
I think I may be a Slider and actually captured something that I absolitely annot explain on camera. I would like to have someone else view the footage to see if they have any idea what happens in the video. You can email me at info@powerfulh2o.com and I will send a link to the video. One of yhe most bizarre things I’ve ever seen.
When I put my hands together I seem to feel a little bit of electricity.So I wonder if I can practice the ability in some ways
I sometimes feel electricity running between my fingers but I never experience these kind of things.So how can I practice the ability?