How To Astral Project…

There are many ways to astral project or astral travel and this video explains it well.

When I astral travel I usually use one of my orgonite (orgone) pendants to help me increase my vibrations before astral projection and also to make sure I am protected while astral traveling.

Another method I used is activating my chakras to very high levels and I use the set of orgone chakra balancers that help me relax deeply and get into the “astral projection” mood fast.

What method are you using to astral project?

Happy Astral Travels!!! 🙂

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What is a Soul Retrieval?

Shamans use soul retrieval which is another form of psychic healing.
By Jenifer Shapiro

Sometimes it feels like a part of you is lost. You may experience sadness, grief, inconsistencies in your thoughts and emotions, and even anger. Feeling this loss, you may wish to seek some unusual assistance.
A soul retrieval may be just what you need.

What is it?

From a technical perspective, a soul retrieval is a tool used by shamans to retrieve a part of the soul which has been lost due to trauma, inner conflicts, deep grief, excess stress, or birthing event that created a power loss.

How does it work?

A soul retrieval begins with a conversation with a shaman or shamanic practitioner who will ask questions regarding why the individual feels this loss occurred and what they are experiencing as a result of it. The shaman will then check in with your energy field and through a myriad of practices they will determine the chakras most affected by the soul loss and gain additional information or energies to assist them in the retrieval itself. The shaman will then ask you to lie down either on a table or the floor and they will go into a deep trance where they will perform the soul retrieval. Drums, music, or breathing techniques, may all be part of going into the trance. A soul retrieval guides the practitioner into the soul of the individual receiving the healing.

Once in trance, the shaman will travel energetically and consciously to a place called the lower world where the chambers of the soul exist. In these chambers are the energies of the lost soul part, the contract or decisions made after the soul loss occurred, the energies to heal the part and other healing gifts or energies for moving forward in the individual’s life. The Shaman will travel to each of these chambers to retrieve, learn from, and heal the soul loss.

Once their work in the lower world is complete, the shaman will call on the animal spirits for guidance and one or more animal spirits may choose to assist in the integration of healing and return with a shaman. The shaman will then travel back to the present with the healing energy, the gifts and any animal spirits that choose to return.

Once back the Shamanic will bring the energies into the individual’s chakra and full energy system as guided to buy their guides. Finally the shaman will perform a full healing and balancing of the new energies into the individuals system. Once the physical healing is complete, the shaman will share their information of what they saw and experienced on the journey to the lower world with the individual and offer the opportunity for a healing to occur on a very deep cycle psychological level.

The ramifications of a retrieval can go on for months and can also be affected by future retrievals. This is not an experience to do every day, rather, a deep, soulful practice to be performed with reverence and an understanding of the sacredness of the event.

Soul retrievals can last one to three hours and are offered for variety of body, mind, & soul challenges. As a shamanic healer I’ve personally offered retrieval sessions for chronic illness, traumas such as rape and child abuse, questions regarding one’s life’s path and stressful situations such as the loss of the parent child or spouse.

I’m not saying that these traumas are always indicative of the need for a retrieval. There are times when INLP, hypnotherapy, shamanic counseling or other integrative therapies are more appropriate ways of healing. Work with your individual practitioner to see what is best for your personal situation.

Namaste and many blessings,

Jenifer Shapiro

Here is a great video that discusses soul retrieval and the different symptoms of soul loss.

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Psychic Trance and Didgeridoo

Psychic abilities are greatly amplified by psychic trance. Repetition causes the mind to go into a trance state. Focus is another characteristic that causes trance. Trance dance and trance music are great ways to induce the trance state. Didgeridoo instrument which is an Australian Aboriginal wind instrument is used for retrieving information directly from the ancestors.

Enjoy the didgeridoo trance!

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The meaning of “Namaste”

“Namaste” is a blessing…

“I bow to the divine in you”
“The divine in my salutes and honors the divine in you”
“The life is me sees and honors the life in you”

I love this one: “The essence in me recognizes and honors the essence in you”…

Which one are you more connected to?

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Kwan Yin – Energy of Compassion

In my last Moon Transmission (Sept 2011– Pisces Full Moon) the energy of Kwan Yin was channeled. I have heard of this goddess before but never channeled or worked with her energy… In the Moon session the energy that was channeled was compassion.

I did some research about Kwan Yin and found this beautiful article:

Known as The Goddess of Mercy, Gentle Protectoress, Bodhisattva of Compassion, even the savior of seamen and fishermen, she holds many titles. The spelling of her name varies, but it is not so much the arrangement of letters as it is the effect that her spoken name produces on those with a Buddhist background, similar to a reaction in the West when one is speaking of the Virgin Mary. In both cases, it invokes the feeling of compassion and unconditional love. Indeed, her force is compared to Mother Mary in the West, Green Tara in the Tibetan culture, the Virgin of Guadeloupe in Mexico, and many other ancient goddesses, the matriarchy of old. You might call her the Buddhist Madonna, or, as She calls Herself, “The Mother of all Buddhas”.

By her own words, she is a complex energy presence. Thus, when asked her about her
incarnations as “Kwan Yin,” this involves many persons that have embodied and reflected this
energy in their lives on earth, as far as we can understand. According to Sucheta’s channelings,
the closest association of Kwan Yin being linked to a person energetically in recent times is Miao
, an ancient Chinese princess who was known for her great compassion. Here is a quote
from Kwan Yin about this:

“Although I am Bodhisattva, I am energy. I am not a person. Basically, the Kwan Yin energy was
never in one single body. It has always been a great part of the energy of all of compassion of all
the Universe. What you see in front of you [Marjorie] is one person who has been able to tap in and
release for a period of time, so that she can let us be a part of her reality and to share that with you
so that you can be encouraged, and that you can also bring forward the part of you that knows the

The name “Kwan Yin” is a derivation of a Chinese name for the goddess that is this energy of
motherly compassion. This is really a description of her energy (“she who hears the cries of the
people”) which has become accepted as her name on earth. Although there are variations, the
feeling is the same. She responds to the heartfelt needs and anguish of the people of earth
regardless of background or belief.

Being one of the “mother” goddesses, she is especially connected to those in need of any kind of
help, be they sick, lost, frightened or simply in unfortunate circumstances. She is a great protector
and benefactor of the weak, the ill and especially the children and the babies. Many erect alters to
Kwan Yin, the “bestower of children” — the one who hears the prayers of anyone wanting to
conceive a child — to increase their fertility. There is a connection with the care of souls, both during
birth and after death. Taoists invoke her presence to free newly departed souls from the judgement
of the underworld. She guards the souls of the newborn and guides them to their new parents.

Her range of influence is vast, from China to Korea and Japan, all the way down into Malaysia. She
has super-ceded her Buddhist traditions and jumped into the realm of a more universally
venerated goddess, now known to those of many different faiths and sects. Her image can be
found on most any alter of worship in temples, homes, schools, shops, restaurants, out of the way
grottos and even on the dashboards of taxis.

Entwined in the faith of Buddhism, her first real appearance in literature seems to be around 400
AD. By that time, Buddhism had been around for nearly 1000 years, spreading from its birthplace
in India to China, and subsequently to Korea, Japan and Tibet. Devotees of Avalokitesvara, or
Avalokita, Bodhisattva of Compassion of Indian Buddhism, brought the concept of Avalokita to
China. There, Avalokita, or Kwan Yin, was adopted as a god in the male form and later was
gradually changed by some to resemble a female, lending a rather androgynous element to her.
By 1200 AD she was definitely a female portrayed in flowing robes.

Avalokita is depicted with many arms, hands and heads, sometimes with an eye in each palm
representing the ever watchful omnipresent mother, ready to immediately reach out in any direction
to alleviate suffering. In Buddhist mythology, it states that Avalokita was born from Amitabha
Buddha’s right eye, after which he proclaimed, “Om Mani Padme Hum” — Hail to the jewel in the
lotus — a sentiment of her preciousness to him. Some believe she is actually an incarnation of
Amitabha Buddha. The Chinese translation of the Sanskrit Avalokita is Kuan shih Yin, the full form
of the shortened Kuan Yin, or Kwan Yin.

It is said in ancient writings that she was embodied as Miao Shan (whose name means
“wonderfully kind one”), a Chinese princess who lived about 700 BC. This legendary Buddhist
saint is said to have spent nine years living on an island off the coast of China, healing, meditating
and saving sailors from shipwreck. This island became a place of worship and pilgrimage for
many, especially in one of the caves there, which was transformed into a shrine dedicated to Kwan

She is called a Bodhisattva, literally a “being of bodhi, or enlightenment.” Bodhi is the spiritual
energy that produces an urge for enlightenment, emanating Wisdom and Compassion. The
Buddhas are the primary stream from this energy, the secondary stream from the Buddhas being
the Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is any soul which has attained enlightenment and has freed itself
from the karmic cycle of rebirth, but which has forgone the bliss of Nirvana, the merging with the
Creator, in order to help all the rest attain their enlightenment. This is their vow. It is said that as
she was about to enter heaven, she paused at the threshold as the cries of the world reached her
ears, and she returned to help them. She is also called an Ascended Master, which essentially
means that one has learned all their lessons, transmuted their karma, and is not compelled to
experience being reborn into a physical body if they do not desire it.

In depictions she is shown with pearls of illumination in one hand; and with the other she pours
out “sweet dew”, the nectar of Wisdom and Compassion from a small vase, blessing all with
physical and spiritual peace. Her cupped hands are a symbol of the womb and the universal
feminine principal. She sometimes holds a sheaf of ripe rice, a metaphor for sustenance
supplied. The dragon is often seen with her, a symbol of wisdom, strength, and the power of divine
transformation. A Divine Mother, always there are children around her or being held by her. There
are two small attendants that show up periodically, a “young man of excellent capacities” and the
“daughter of the Dragon King,” both related to the legendary Miao Shan. As reference to fishermen,
sailors and water, she can be seen on a boat or a lotus flower crossing the sea, rising from the
sea on the back of a dragon. Other things related to her are a dove, a scroll of prayers which are
the teachings of Buddha, a rosary of white crystal beads showing the rounds of rebirth, and a
willow spray with which she sprinkles the divine nectar of life.
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The Origin of Kwan Yin, or Miao Shan

There are many legends about the origin of Kuan Yin, but this in one of the most popular.

In 7th century China, a king had three daughters, the youngest named Miao-Shan. At the time of
Miao-Shan’s birth, the earth trembled and a wonderful fragrance and flower blossoms sprang up
around the land. Many of the local people said they saw the signs of a holy incarnation on her body.

While the king and queen were amazed by this blessing. Unfortunately, they were corrupt and saw
little value in a child who appeared pure and kind. When Miao-Shan got older, the king wanted to
find a husband for her. She told her father she would only marry if by so doing she would be able to
help alleviate the suffering of all mankind.

The king became enraged when he heard of her devotion to helping others, and forced her to slave
away at menial tasks. Her mother, the queen, and her two sisters admonished her, all to no avail.

In desperation, the king decided to let her pursue her religious calling at a monastery, but ordered
the nuns there to treat her so badly she would change her mind. She was forced to collect wood
and water, and tend a garden for the kitchen. They thought this would be impossible, since the
land around the monastery was barren. To everyone’s amazement, the garden flourished, even in
winter, and a spring welled up out of nowhere next to the kitchen.

When the king heard about these miracles, he decided that he was going to kill Miao-Shan. After
all, the nuns who were supposed to have tormented her. But as his henchmen arrived at the
monastery, a spirit came out of a fog of clouds and carried her away to safety on a remote island.
She lived there on her own for many years, pursuing a life of religious dedication.

Several years later, her father became seriously ill. He was unable to sleep or eat; his doctors
believed he would certainly die soon. As he was about to pass, a monk came to visit the king. The
monk told the king he could cure the monarch, but he would have to grind up the arms and eyes of
one free from hatred to make the medicine. The king thought this was impossible, but the monk
assured him that there was a Bodhisattva living in the king’s domain who would gladly surrender
those items if asked.

The king sent an envoy to find this unknown bodhisattva. When the envoy made the request,
Miao-Shan gladly cut out her eyes and severed her arms. The envoy returned and the monk made
the medicine. The king instantly recovered. When the king thanked the monk; he chastised the king
by saying, “You should thank the one who gave her eyes and arms.” Suddenly, the monk
disappeared. The king believed this was divine intervention and after ordering a coach prepared
headed off with his family to find and thank the unknown bodhisattva.

When the royal family arrived they realized it is was their daughter, Miao-Shan, who had made the
sacrifice. Miao-Shan spoke up, “Mindful of my father’s love, I have repaid him with my eyes and
arms.” With eyes full of tears and hearts full of shame, the family gathered to hug Miao-Shan. As
they did so auspicious clouds formed around Miao-Shan. The earth trembled, flowers rained
down, and a holy manifestation of the Thousand Eyes and Thousand Arms appeared hovering in
the air.

And then, the bodhisattva was gone. To honor Miao-Shan the royal family built a shrine on the spot,
which is known as Fragrant Mountain.

BODHISATTVA (also spelled Boddhisattva): Literally means “enlightened being”; a soul who,
through compassion and altruism, has earned the right to leave this world of suffering and enter
nirvana, but has chosen instead to stay on Earth to instruct others to until all beings are
enlightened. A Bodhisattva acts as the key figure in Mahayana Buddhism

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Ho’o pono pono to clear subconscious of negative memories

Ho’o pono pono is an ancient Hawaiian method that helps clear subconscious of negativity by using these simple words:

“Please Forgive Me”
“Thank You”
“I Am Sorry”
“I Love you”

This video is created to clear your subconscious of negative memories.
While you are watching this video you will be erasing negative memories from your subconscious by using Sound, Images and Ho’o pono pono.

I have used it myself and with my clients.. It works MIRACLES!!!

Try it… Let me know how it works for you… 🙂

May we suggest:

Healing, Manifestation, Awakening Meditations Aura Gem Elixir Spiritual Counseling Intuitive Healing Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Spiritual Counseling ~ Intuitive Healing
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Second Chakra – Crown Chakra Relationship

Sexual sacred powers are mistaken for lust. Sensuality and second chakra are also related to creativity, pleasures, self esteem. Pleasure are part of who we are, why deny the pleasure?
What I have noticed working on myself and others is that the main reason of crown chakra being blocked or not fully opened to full divinity is due to blockage in second (sexual) chakra. That is mainly from unsupported believes in subconscious.

When you open to accepting your sexuality as sacred, second chakra awakens beautifully allowing the crown chakra to embrace your true divinity.

How to balance and awaken second (sacral) chakra?

Orange colors help to bring this chakra into balance: wear orange and peach colors.

Sacral chakra Orgone pendant is a powerful energy booster which is designed to help enhance creativity, increase personal magnetism, restore sexual functioning, improve sex life, encourage self-esteem, happiness, courage and more…

Foods to awaken sacral chakra: carrots and tropical fruits like oranges, coconut, mangos, melons, tangerines, passion fruit. Coconut water is one of my favorite for working on both sacral and crown chakra. The energy of a freshly cut coconut water is very high.

Second (sacral chakra) is located just below the navel, about 2-3 inches. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Svadhisthana Chakra
Bring your awareness there and breath deeply into that area…

Chakra Balancing For The Swadhistana Navel Chakra Second Chakram Healing Meditation Video is useful in opening the sexual chakra.

Once your sacral chakra started to awaken you will feel the crown chakra starting to open to your infinite potentiality.

Sacral chakra affirmations:
I am happy in my body. I am creative and creativity flows through me. I express my sexuality freely. I release all blame and guilt.

May we suggest:

Sacral Chakra Orgone Pendant

Crown Chakra Orgone Pendant

Awakening Meditation

Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Sacral Chakra Orgone Pendant
Crown Chakra Orgone Pendant
Awakening Meditation
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9 Ways to Protect Yourself, Your House and Dear Ones

yantra of protection

Sensitive people, specially empathic people are more vulnerable to being “targeted” by negative energies.

The more you raise your vibrations the more protected you will be and eventually your energy field will be so strong that negative vibes won’t be able to penetrate this field anymore.

Protection involves building a field of energy around yourself, your house, your family. There are many ways to protect yourself. I will list what I have used in the past and still use when energies are a little out of whack. Those ways also worked great for others I helped along the years and hope they will work for you.

Here are 9 ways to use for protection

1. Smudging with herbs

Smudging is burning the herb to create a cleansing smoke bath that can be used for purification purposes, protecting as well as healing. Palo Santo Wood (Holy Wood) is a sacred wood used by shamans in Peru and indigenous people of the Andes for medicinal purposes, purifying, cleansing and to get rid of evil spirits.
Herbs to use in smudging: sage, cedar, pine.

2. Crystals and Gemstones

Onyx, obsidian, tourmaline, amethyst, tiger eye, quartz crystals. They are used for protection from psychic attack, danger, emotional distress, oversensitivity and empathy.

3. Orgone – (life force generating)

Orgone has multiple functionality including deflecting negative energies, creating a protective energy field around your aura and environment. They serve as a shield helping in deflecting electromagnetic frequencies and any harmful pollution.

Grid your property with 4 orgone protectors in the four corners of your property to protect against harmful unseen energies and ground spiritual energies. Orgone Amulet of protection helps protect against “bad vibes”, “psychic attacks”, “evil eye” and “emotional pollution”, EMF and more…

4. Candles

Candles help you clear negative energy from your home as well as great tool for manifesting. (white, red and dark blue colors are great for self protection as well as house protection).

5. Incense and Resins

Many cultures use fragrant incenses made from natural substances to purify and cleanse the atmosphere of temples, homes, environment.
I love to use Myrrh, Dragon blood, Frankincense, Musk, Sage, Sandalwood.

6. Oils

There are numerous different types of protection oils including Benzoin and Dragon’s Blood.
They can be burn in oil warmers or diffusers.

7. Baths for and Protection and Purification

Steep a teaspoon or two of basil or clove in a cup of boiling water, and strain out the herb.
Add it to you bath water for a protective and cleansing influence. You can also add to your bath about ½ cup of sea salt.
It is useful to clean off energies left after contacting people who are negative or controlling.

8. Holy Water

There are many sources of powerful charged water: medicine wells, shrines, blessed water from monasteries and shrines. Water simply holds energy and is a very powerful tool of protection and healing. Zam Zam water is very powerful in deflecting harmful energies. Sprinkle few drops of any charged or holy water around your house and on you.

9. Protection Chants and Prayers

Any prayers or chants work as long as are from the heart, using passion, intensity and determination.

Here is an example:

“Protect me with all your might

Goddess gracious day and night”

Be Protected Always,


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Shaman’s Journey into the spirit World

Drumming is used by shamans to induce altered states

Breath deeply while you listen… and let your mind drift away…
Enjoy the trip…

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Smudging For Negative Energies And Influences In Your Home

sageThis is a great article about smudging with herbs

The Use Of Smudging For Negative Energies And Influences In Your Home

By Shannon Thomas

Smudging or “smoking” is a form of purification among the Native Americans. Typically white sage is used, but oftentimes other herbs are used as well, such as sweat grass and cedar. Many commercial smudge sticks come in a combination of wrapped herbs like sage/cedar together.

Once lit, the smoke from the smudge wand (or sage pieces if using a smudge pot), is used to cover the body or things ( scared objects: pipes, feathers, flutes, dance regalia, etc.) needing cleansed and purified.

It is typical to use cupped hands to gather the smoke and then smooth it over the “ethnic” body (the aura). Also, feather fans are used assist in the smoke being spread over entire body or object.

Smudge pots can be various items: clay pots, iron holders, or the most common abalone shells.

Smudging is viewed as a form of prayer, a great connection to Spirit. Asking of a blessing, of a protection.

It is also very typical to smudge a house or car. When negative things have happened or have unwanted negative entities in your home. It is a good way to “clean the slate” and give it a fresh clean feeling. It helps to dissipate the energy and allow us to start somewhat fresh.

While smudging you can say a prayer to say while speaking with Spirit. Feel free to use it, knowing that once a story or prayer is given to someone it is theirs, use this giving credit to Tina Michelle who is the author of this Native American Prayer.


When I think of the Great Spirit,

of the Holy One,

I think of the gentle love of a Grandfather.

So, I ask you, Grandfather,

to hear my prayers.

Bless my feet, Grandfather, so they may walk a good path.

Bless my knees, that they might be humble in prayer.

Bless my stomach, so I may never go hungry.

Bless my heart so I will always act with love.

Bless my arms that I may carry the burdens of my loved ones.

Bless my hands that they bring about the only good things.

Bless my shoulders that they may carry the weight of my deeds.

Bless my throat that I may speak in kindness.

Bless my eyes so I can see beyond the horizon.

Bless my mind so that I can be open and forgiving.

Grandfather, thank you for all these blessings.

It is good!


Don’t know where these quotes originated. most sent via email. Many thanks to the original author(s).

“According to what we have been taught, certain plants have entered into a sacred agreement with us two-leggeds: in exchange for our respectful treatment of them, they will give up their lives so that we can have their purifying smoke to cleanse with and to pray with, so that we might stay in balance and keep our walk sacred. This means we are to pick the plants with honor, asking permission and giving thanks, taking only what we need and not damaging the plant. ”

“You can use the following smudging ceremony in manner, or you may create a way that is right to you. No one way is right or wrong. Place the abalone shell in front of you and thank it, aloud or silently, for the life that created it and for helping you in this ceremony. Place the herb(s) that you will be using in the shell, thanking each as you hold it. They have died so that you could have this smoke. That should not inspire guilt, but rather gratitude for the sacrifice. One day you will give your body for other beings of the Earth.

Next, light the smudge mix. As you bring forth the flame, thank Father Sun, from where all fires arise, and also thank the spirit of Fire for coming to help you with this ceremony. Make sure that some of each plant that you have put in the bowl gets lit. That way the smoke will contain all the energies you have chosen to work with. Fan the fire gently with your feather until the herbs are burning enough to create sufficient smoke. Then use the feather to put out the fire, with one or two quick passes. If the smudge looks like it is going out, fan it vigorously until it is smoking again. If it does go out, it is fine to relight it.

Now, using both your hands as a cup, catch some smoke and bring it into your heart. Catch more smoke and pass it over your head and down your neck. Then with each hand, one at a time, pass the smoke along your opposite arm and hand. Then, using both hands, bring more smoke into your navel and down your legs to the ground. This process cleanses our hearts, minds and bodies and helps us to be grounded. While doing this, it is good to see the smoke carry away any cares or physical injuries.

You can now smudge any objects that you might want to by passing them through the smoke from the four directions, starting with the East. Ask that the object be cleansed for your use or giveaway.

If you are smudging with other people, smudge yourself first and then hold the shell by its edges for the others to smudge. You can also smudge a house or room that needs cleansing. Go around the room with the burning smudge, and using your feather, push any negative energies out through an open door or window. When you are done, let the ashes cool and give them back to the Earth with care. They are now going to be soil from which new life arises, so show respect for this part of the ceremony also, and empty the ashes thoughtfully, again thanking the herbs and the fire.

Many people smudge before any other ceremony, to start the day, or before and after a serious discussion. For us, this is a very real ceremony. After doing it, we feel better, our energy feels lighter, and so the day goes better. And it is good to cleanse your house occasionally to clear out any stagnant energy. Above all, realize that with ceremony it is the sacred intent of two-leggeds which opens the door for these powers to work with us.

The power of sage is the power to drive away negative energies. California (broad leaves) and desert (smaller leaves) sage are used interchangeably, or sometimes even together, but usually people prefer one or the other.

Sweet grass has the power to call in positive energies. Its sweet smell helps make us and our objects sweet to spirit. It is sometimes called the hair of the Earth Mother and is braided in the field, with love, before it is harvested.

The evergreens — cedar, juniper and pinion pine — provide balance and harmony.

Lavender has a calming and relaxing influence.

Rose petals call in the power of the heart.

Author Unknown Too Me.


Needed: Sage, sweet grass, cedar, or tobacco, singly or in combination, or other herbs; a shell or a natural-made bowl (clay, pottery); a feather or fan; matches; sand or fine soil.

1. Mix together the plants you will be using, placing them in a shell or sturdy bowl, and light them. Some mixtures of herbs do not stay lit well. You may need to put a charcoal briquette in the bowl first. Before lighting either the charcoal or herbs, make sure there is some soil or sand in the bottom of the bowl or shell. This will keep it from being too hot to hold.

2. When the herbs are lit, use a fan or feather from a domestically raised bird* (chicken, turkey, pheasant or duck) to fan out the flame. Throughout the ceremony you will need to fan the herbs to keep them smoldering.
*Non-Indians are not permitted to possess eagle feathers.

3. Once the herbs are smoldering, draw the smoke (not the bowl, just the smoke) to your heart, then over your head, down your arms, and down the front of your body. Now move the smoke over the back of your body toward the ground. If you need special balancing or healing in some part of your body, you can emphasize by pulling the smoke to the area.

4. It is your responsibility to cleanse your own energy field. The plants help. They do not do it for you.

5. Next, offer smoke to the six directions: up to the Creator, down to the Earth, and then to the north, east, south and west, in that order.

6. After you have smudged yourself and offered the smudge, you can hold the bowl while others smudge themselves, or you may smudge them. They should draw the smoke to themselves, first to the heart, over the head, down the arms, down the chest, and down the back.

7. You may now walk around the area you will be using, wafting the smoke as you go. If you are inside, smudge around the walls of the room, paying particular attention to the corners.

8. Smudge any medicine tools you will be using during ceremonies.

You can incorporate this Smudging Ceremony and make it your own to suit your cleansing needs at the time. Make the adjustments for use to do a space clearing and cleansing for getting rid of negative entities that are disruptive in your home and too your family.

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