Empaths and Solar Plexus Chakra Connection

Empaths are the sensitive ones, the sweet people who want to help and assist others. But they keep forgetting to help themselves.

Due to shifting energies of ascension many empathic people feel tired, exhausted and lethargic.

The problem is that empathic people take on other people issues most of them time unconsciously.

So as a result they feel depleted and they can end up being sick.

Empaths need first and foremost protection.
If they don’t use protection they will risk getting ill.

Protection is not a big deal.
Sometimes protection can be something as simple as covering the solar plexus, a protection prayer or cross their legs and arms.
But if energies are too strong then an amulet of protection is necessary.

Solar Plexus Chakra which is located above navel is the center of determination, self esteem, will power and emotions.

Empaths mostly leak energy through solar plexus chakra as they have a hard time to control their emotions.

Solar plexus chakra is the source of personal power.

When empaths are exhausted due to energy depletion, determination and will power can decrease a lot.

Usually empaths have a weak solar plexus chakra and physical exercise (abdominal exercises) will not only strengthen this chakra but it will also strengthen the aura.

Empaths have a hard time taking action as they are exhausted due to energy leakage.  It can be hard for them to take control of their thoughts, emotions and life in general.  A weak solar plexus could also lead to anger, anxiety or even depression.  It can also affect digestion

Self sabotage will also weaken the solar plexus preventing you to move forward and take action.
Fear can get stuck in solar plexus. Fire provides warmth and comfort, but also can cause fear if is not under control. Use fire energy wisely.

If you want to be successful in life and transforms ideas and thoughts into action you definitely need a strong solar plexus chakra.

Sun is a great solar plexus activator, so spend some time in the sun and connect your solar plexus with sun energy.

The solar plexus orgone pendant is a great tool for strengthening and protection for the solar chakra.

The Solar Plexus Pendant will supercharge your solar plexus chakra and protect from intrusive energies.

When this chakra is balanced and strengthened clarity, success, confidence and wisdom will pour into your life.

Trying new things and hobbies will boost the solar plexus chakra, but many empaths are shy to go out in public or get outside comfort zone.

If you are one of these shy or lack energy let’s work together: book a session with me to give your solar plexus an awesome boost and gain confidence.

This is where you can book a session.

This is where to order a Solar Plexus Chakra Pendant:

To a brave, strong and awesome solar plexus chakra,

Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:

How to STOP picking up other people’s fears – Conscious Empathy
Empathy: Know it and Control it

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5G dangers and concerns. What are the solutions?

5 G is here. 5 G is everywhere.
5G is a serious spiritual battle in the Spiritual world.

5G is an entirely different from the 4G and is 10 times faster.

5G will not kill but will suppress the immune system.
Then infections, viruses, bacteria, parasites and such will take over the body.

The 5G devices are as small as a smoke detector and are placed roughly every 12 houses.

They are connecting with the  ‘home smart devices’ which are continuously pulsing with radiation and we wonder why everybody is sick with: migraines, headaches, insomnia or trouble sleeping, brain fog, fatigue, increased cancer rates, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, difficulty concentrating, light sensitivity, weakness, hormone imbalance, pain in the joins, pain in the muscle.

5 G affects the eye, skin, nervous system and sweat glands experiencing anger, frustration and irritability. They are constant surveillance.

No one can predict the harm this technology is going to cause.
Birds and animals died near 5G towers.

5G causes mutation of our cells and ultimately cancer.
These harmful EMFs are dehydrating our cells and our DNA is under attack.

They want to create a smart grid where everyone and everything is plugged into the Matrix. 5G will be like a spider web all over the planet which is devastating for humanity on mental level, physical and emotional level.

5G is artificial intelligence taking over the human brain to control our emotions and our thinking. It’s used as mass surveillance, global control. 5G technology is created to implement the artificial intelligence and plug you in by force.

5 G is a silent weapon!

It is militarized and China is using it. 6 G apparently is not militarized; others say that 5 G is also used by the deep state.

Note there is no testing of the 5G.

What are the Solutions?

There is always a door way out, always a solution if we chose to focus on that.

Unplug, Unplug, Unplug

Unplug the router when not in use specially at night.
Your phone broadcasts all the time.
Don’t hold cell phone to your head, put it on speaker phone and minimize conversations.
Don’t sleep with phone next to your head. Turn it off when you sleep and take it out of your bedroom.

Remove smart meters if possible, if not place a piece of orgone (5G orgonite EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life) on them to create a safe environment, protecting from negative EMF’s

Spread the word, cooperate with others and start brainstorming.
Become educate, became involved, educate your children.
Don’t be overwhelmed or scared, we are powerful, we need to rebuild our confidence.

Raise Vibrations
Our thoughts and emotions give out a certain frequency.
Meditation is proven to help repair our cells and can raise our vibes so high that can go beyond the mind control.

One of my healing tools that have special effects to impress upon subconscious mind is cellular joy meditation. I use it every night and morning to help repair and detox my cells and heal my body: It’s power house for the mind: Happy Healthy Detoxed Cells Guided Meditation

Build Immune System (Royal Jelly is an immune booster)

Good Foods, organic, non GMO, colorful plate.

Conscious Breathing (pranayama)

Detox –focus on cellular detox

Parasite Cleanse
Parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus thrive on microwave radiation.

(use herbs like clove, raw pumpkin seeds, garlic, oil of oregano, mimosa puddica etc)

Cleanse your Lymphatic System
Lymphatic Massage – you can also do it yourself

Detox Baths (clay baths, ACV and baking soda baths, add essential oils)

Castor Oil Packs

Heavy Metals Cleanse
The heavy metals in us are sprayed through geo engineering (chemtrails).
These new wi-fi frequencies are depleting the Oxygen levels in our body and cells.  We are more oxygen deficient and we wonder why we are so fatigued. If you are heavy metal toxic you are more sensitive to EMF’s.
Heavy Metals in the body are like 5G antennas. Address heavy metals.

Grounding, Earthing natural EMFs are healing
Solar energy, planetary, weather events, nature, trees,  produce GOOD natural organic EMF’s but those created by man (5G) have a detrimental effects on health.

Number 1 antioxidant in the world is the EARTH.
Take your shoes off and let yourself be grounded in nature. By walking barefoot our bodies receive a charge of energy that can make us feel good.

If you have trouble sleeping I suggest the feet chakra balancers orgone as they are not only very grounding but they help with a good night sleep. They are also great to keep your emotions balanced.

Emotional Health
Pay attention to your body and how you feel in particular emotions. You need to deal and process your own emotions. When you raise your vibrations you are less susceptible to their radiation.
5G is like a forced opportunity to take health and life more seriously.

Emotional Health is crucial as it interferes with the ability to detox.
In order to overcome health issues, emotional health is the first one that needs to be addressed. Make emotional work a priority.

Emotions are just reactions to belief systems or opinions that are rigid and detrimental to health. Emotional blocks come from the past usually from childhood and body cannot get healthy as emotional trauma gets stuck in the body.
People try everything but nothing works for them because they go around and around without addressing the root of the problem.
I offer emotional work healing sessions. Check it out:

Orgonite with Shunghite

EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life Orgonite (orgone energy) is frequency, it is used as a protective shield against harmful EMF and radiation.

Shungite amplifies the energies of orgonite (orgone life force energy).

Shunghite is one of the most powerful stones that cannot be corrupted.
Shungite is always teaching something new. It is a purifier, a cleanser and adds value to orgonite in our world filled with toxicity and pollution. Orgonite transmutes harmful energy into healthy energy.

I have created a protector/neutralizer (EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life) that work on cancelling these harmful EMF’s and it does make a huge difference.

The power is in shunghite and peridot combo along with other gems and essential oils, purified water etc. The shunghite neutralizes the negative effects, dispels the harmful radiation and cleanses through peridot which is such a sweet warm, positive vibration stone, an amazing heart opener and DNA activator.

So this is a great piece to place on a router, laptop, computer, phone, microwave ovens and some newer TV’s as they all emit radiation but the most affecting to human psyche are the routers, smart phones and smart meters.

Take things orally that support the body from EMFs

Propolis which is antimicrobial
Rosemary herbal tincture (minimizes the impact of the EMFs fortifying the body)
Walnuts, Cilantro, Dates

Plants absorb some EMFs
(Place aloe plants in your home as are great for absorbing radiation)

Vitamins and minerals, vit C,  D, B vitamins and magnesium which reduces the effects of harmful EMFs)

Support adrenals and endocrine glands
Adaptogenic herbs may reduce EMF induced oxidative stress (I love ashwaghanda and rhodiola rosea)

Exercise, sweating, sauna (specially for heavy metals detox)
Combine exercise and sweating (sauna) with deep rest.

Baking soda helps with radiation

Cancel Evil Contracts

We need to cancel all contracts that are made either consciously or unconsciously with the dark entities and tell them that you we not consenting to their mind control programming.
There is a free will and if they do it by force then they will suffer because we are not consenting.

Sleep is Crucial – it restores hormones
Reduce stress, meditate before you go to sleep, pray, reduce caffeine, stop drinking coffee after 2-3 pm or quit coffee.
Take your electronic devices which emit a red light out of your room or unplug them. Never have a TV in your sleeping room.

Stop 5G/EMF’s the legal way

“There Is a Way to Legally Stop the 5G, under the terms of Assault! And assault is where you cannot enjoy a peaceful life in your own home. We need to find out what constitutes an assault and use that. We need an army of good lawyers”

Microwaves are not allowed in Russia.  Brussels, Belgium and Geneva, Switzerland have decided to stop installing the latest 5G technologies until more studies are conducted.

5 G is used also for surveillance.
All this 5 G radiation is pure danger for ALL biological life.

We are going to win this battle but we need to stay focused, healthy, protected and centered to do the good work.

To your health,


May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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When someone close to you hurts you: for Empaths

Empaths heads up!
How do you deal with someone close to you who are hurting you?
I just got really frustrated with someone really close to me because of this person’s ignorance.
When you are fully committed in a relationship and the other person is not returning the commitment it kinda sucks.

I have a problem with ignorance, I really do.
Relationships are killed by ignorance and ego.
I usually let go fast when something like this happens, but now it was difficult because the wound was quite old.

At first my frustration was so intense that made me cry.
I couldn’t believe I was hurting. How could this person do this to me? And this is becoming so old. This needs to stop. All sort of thoughts were going through my mind.
How am I going to respond to this situation from my best self?

So I prayed and cried and dag deep into my wounds and waited for a sign.

I was tempted to just use a patch or pretend the wound doesn’t exist.
I wanted out; I wanted closure and realized this was an old wound that was rooted in childhood.
Yes we have these old wounds and are perfectly hidden and when they surface they hurt.
So I did what I do best with my clients and it works perfectly: I cut chords.

So I let myself go deep into this feeling of frustration and hurt and started healing from within.
I’ve asked Spirit and Angels to guide my healing in such a graceful way that no one would get hurt in the process as this issue is so tender.
Forgiveness was the answer. Letting go of what hurts.
I can only do so much.
Next time when a person shows signs of ignorance just release.

When they need you next time make sure you take care of yourself first before you attend to their needs.

Love yourself, honor yourself, be compassionate with yourself.
Empaths tend to be peoples’ pleasers. I am working hard on this issue and making progress.

See where your attachments are, and let go.
We have been holding onto things, old belief systems or unhealthy relationships for way too long.
It is time to honor and give yourself the gift of releasing.

Be neutral and practice non attachment.
Let go of being perfect or rigid.
Let go of being in control. Let yourself be fluid.

Expectation leads to disappointment.
Everything is temporary.

The root of suffering is attachment.
Train your mind to detach with wisdom not with ignorance.
Detachment doesn’t mean you give up on someone or something, it means you let go of expectations and train your mind to flow with what is.

Frustration is a reaction to expectation, trying to force things into a timeframe.
The best thing that heals frustration is patience, and when we focus on that, time just slows down considerably.
Hope you take some time to think deep and next time when someone is trying to hurt remember that you are the one hurting yourself.

Love yourself first; not in a narcissistic way but in a healthy way and you know how to do it. All you have to do is do it.
Much Love and Blessings,

Related Articles
How to Stop picking up other people’s fears: Conscious Empathy
How to Deal with Angry People: for Empaths
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Plasma LightBody, Omu Stargate and Detox

The light that is coming through will rock everybody’s world.

The shifts are now extremely fast. Every other day we experience cycles of alternating high energy with low energy.

One day you feel like the world is collapsing (which IT IS btw but it’s the old world as we know it) and the next day you feel like you are the center of the Universe.

We received information during Eclipses Season and Summer Solstice and now it is time to implement.

Remember the OLD doesn’t work anymore.
If you struggle is because you resist the NEW energies.
You gotta let go of the old.
Sleep more, drink more water, flush your system system, drain your lymphatic system, detox.

We need to maintain the highest frequency possible and that can be done easily by getting rid of the detrimental belief systems that make us sick and unhappy.

I sent a moon transmission (Pisces Full Moon) from a mystical place, strong spiritual spot where my friends live. It is a sanctuary and every time I visit, something magic happens.

During the transmission I saw big lights being projected in the trees: from above and from the sides.

My friends could not see the lights which made me really scratch my head because they were mega visible.
Everything seemed so real, it was not my imagination.
Eventually one of my friends vaguely saw some lights.

When I related my experience to Yasmine my dear psychic sister and friend, she said to me: “the light you saw was plasma!”

Our Plasma LightBody is being activated!

That can be intense for some. But I promise you, if you detox it’s much easier!

Plasma field that’s connecting us with Christ Consciousness is activating our DNA and plasma body.
Consciousness is expanding fast as we shift into a higher dimension.
We are being guided into the new Awareness of the Earth.

For many years I have been trying to summit the mountain Peak OMU, in Bucegi Mountains, Romania.
This year the mountain granted me permission.

There is a lot of mystery surrounding this place: underground tunnels apparently linked with the pyramids in Egypt, people feel positive vibes here and some even get cured from certain diseases.

OMU translates as “the Human Being” in Romanian language and it holds the energy of sacred OM (AUM).

It is beyond fascinating.

I had a very powerful experience here.

Spirit guided me into a portal of awareness and got the message to detox any negativity and shift into a higher vibration.
I looked at the clock and it was 11:10 am.
I had only one minute to let go of any negative vibration in order to pass through the 11:11 gate.

I felt nauseated, I felt tired.
In less than a minute I cancelled all my negatives and entered the 11:11 stargate.
I felt a huge positive shift, no more nausea, felt so much power.

If you enter the stargate with a high purified awareness you are gifted new light codes.

The plasma lights that I experienced during Pisces Full Moon were the NEW light codes.

Vibrating high requires cleansing/detoxing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

So when I got home I’ve completed a 3 day watermelon cleanse.
Way cool!
Many of my clients and friends swear by the benefits of detoxing/cleansing.

The benefits of the watermelon detox are amazing! Read about my watermelon detox here:

I hope you feel inspired to go on a cleanse to activate your plasma Light body.

Tune into the nature and rhythm of Mama Earth during this time and focus on healing.

I am vibrating with plasma light and send healing vibes as you are reading this. Allow to receive.
We are all in this together.


Plasma Light Activation Healing Services

May we suggest:

Love Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Crownt (7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Clairvoyance Orgone Pendant
Love Yourself Meditation Crown(7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Intuition Orgone Pendant
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Watermelon Cleanse: Deepen Spiritual Connection

Watermelon Cleanse/Detox works extremely well.

Toxins slow down our metabolism. Cleansing the body gives the metabolism a boost.
When we detox we not only cleanse our bodies but our connection with the Source/God deepens.

Always use intuition and listen to your body as well as consult with your doctor before starting any detox program.

Watermelon is related to the element of water and is ruled by the Moon.

Pisces and Cancer are the signs that rule this fruit created by God to purify our body.

Watermelon is connected with the heart chakra as it brings peace in the heart.

It is also connected with the second (sacral) chakra, related to the womb and has yin-feminine energy.

In men it creates effects similar to Viagra. Ohh My!
So use watermelon to strengthen your sexual/sacred chakra which is such a powerful chakra.

If you feel you need a detox drink watermelon or eat watermelon.
Make sure you use organic watermelon with seeds.
If you make a juice add the seeds as they are excellent source of protein. Just make sure you drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins.

Some of the benefits of watermelon
It is packed with potassium, has a diuretic effect, very alkaline forming, keeps the body hydrated, improves blood flow, antioxidant, reduces inflammation, slows the effect of aging. Less inflammation means lower toxic load in the body.

So here is my 3 days detox experience:

I knew I needed a detox as my body was feeling achy, tired and I felt bloated.
My skin needed a cleanse. My mind felt foggy and my spirit needed a boost.
I usually go on a juice fast but this time I chose just watermelon as it was in season.

First day I really enjoyed the taste of the watermelon!!

Second day however I had a headache. I normally don’t have headaches when I cleanse.
This time I felt I was going deeper into cleansing the cells.

If you want to go deep into cleansing you might want to consider an enema (bentonite clay, coffee ) but do some research. Enemas speed up detoxing process.

I drank loads of water, used meditation, visualization and gentle yoga .
After only two days I felt my skin super smooth and even wrinkles diminished visibly.

Third day I felt so energized, my skin had a nice glow, eyes looked clear, I felt extremely good!

I continued to see benefits even after I finished the 3 day cleanse.

Imagine the watermelon juice you are drinking clears any blockages in your system.

Pay attention to how you feel as emotions in your heart might be surfacing.

Meditation is the best thing you can practice during a cleanse. Many energy sensitive people I know don’t love themselves enough. Use this LOVE Yourself Meditation to flood your mind with the awareness of self love.

Let me know how the 3 day watermelon cleanse works for you.
Many Blessings,

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Chakras and Lymphatic System: Detox for optimal health and longevity

Humanity needs a BIG Detox!
You probably know what I am saying.

It is way easier to prevent diseases then work hard to cure the body later.

So many people I know struggle with fatigue.

One of the main causes is a lymphatic system that’s not working properly due to stress, electromagnetic pollution, toxins in food, air, water.

Lymphatic system also known as the ‘sewer system’ of the body is the guardian of our health.

When lymphatic system clogs up we experience fluid retention, fatigue, weight gain, pain, cellulite, brain fog, sinusitis, bloating, stiffness and our immunity is diminished.

The lymph removes toxins continuously from our cells, keeps us safe from viruses and delivers nutrients to our body.

Chakra System and the Lymph
What is the connection?

There is a close connection between the chakra system, glands and lymphatic system.
On the energy level chakra system needs a continuous cleanse and on physical level our lymphatic system needs to be flushed on a regular basis.

Lymph is connected to the water element.
Second (sacral) chakra in the body is also connected with water element.

Imbalance in the sacral (sexual) chakra affects the lymphatic system.
Lymphatic blockages lead to pain and aches in the lower back, hips and legs.

Throat Chakra is also related to the lymphatic system.

A block in the throat chakra might be a suppression of thoughts or expression that can lead to swollen glands in the neck area.

Thymus gland (heart chakra) regulates and controls the lymphatic system.
If we are closing our heart chakra due to suffering, rejection and pain that can lead to clogging up the lymphatic system.

The Lymphatic System has a watery nature, which relates to intuition. The sixth chakra (Third Eye Chakra) is also known to reside in the Lymphatic System.

From the emotional and metaphysical stand point Lymph that is clogged has to do with the inability to receive joy and love, specially from feminine side (women in our life, perhaps mother issues).

Not letting go, holding onto things that are not serving us are also related to the lymphatic system being clogged as lymph moves toxins out of the body.

There is no point in detoxing our physical body if we keep our chakra system blocked or stay in a detrimental state of mind that causes stress.

Chakra Cleanse

3 Lights Technique Meditation is a great spiritual tool to keep our chakras and aura clean.

Orgone Pendants from the Chakra Collection work on strengthening a particular chakra so we can align and balance all chakras.

When we clean the lymph and chakras we feel lighter in the body and mind and we feel better.

Caffeine used in excess upsets the lymphatic system and also dehydrates.

Water we drink has to be clean, free from harmful chemicals otherwise lymph works extra hard to eliminate toxins.

A water fast or a juice fast specially water melon is a great way to flush the lymph.

Good Foods

Raw fruits and veggies carry water. Eat raw fruits on an empty stomach.
Red foods such beetroots keep the lymph flowing.
All citrus are good for cleaning the lymph as well as cucumbers as they are very hydrating.
Other herbs that might help are turmeric, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and flax seeds.

Avoid GMO’s and pesticides and avoid processed foods.

Exercise and Breathing – so IMPORTANT!
In order for the lymph to function optimally it needs to continuously move. Muscles become toxic and lack oxygen if we don’t move.
Any form of exercise is good.
Deep conscious breathing helps.


Yoga in particular is a great way to keep lymphatic system happy.

There are some postures in yoga that cleanse the lymph.
Inversions pull lymph from lower extremities towards the heart.
Even a simple posture like legs up the wall would do. When I feel sluggish I go upside down.

I love handstands and headstands they are fun and keep me young inside.

Twists are very detoxing postures and stimulate the flow of lymph.

Dry Brushing

Dry skin brushing with a natural bristle brush boosts the lymphatic flow. Use it before you shower and brush towards the heart. It’s a great way to get rid of dead skin.

Gentle Massages stimulate the majority of stagnant lymph.

Affirmations and Meditation

Love your Body and use Affirmations daily.

“I love my body simply because I exist, I love my lymphatic system, immune system, I love my liver. I love my spleen.”

Try this guided meditation, a lot of people who used it found it helpful.
Love yourself because you simply exist Meditation.

Pass this on if you find it helpful.

Many Blessings and Health.

Take a look at the Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant and see if you can feel its energy.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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How to Stop picking up other people’s fears: Conscious Empathy

Empathy a gift or a curse?
It can be both.

Empathy is an awesome gift because allows us to be “the nice guy” and help others. At the same time it can be detrimental to our health because it is easier to get sucked into others emotional energies.
That’s why it’s important to master this ability.

The other day I went with a friend to the doctor. As I was waiting for my friend in the waiting room I started to feel a lot of fear in my gut.

I asked myself:” Where this fear coming from?”

First I thought it was my fear of doctors and illness. But my body didn’t agree with this thought.

Then I thought maybe I was picking up the bad vibes from the news as there was large screen TV in front of me. I didn’t get a ‘yes’ on this either.

Then I asked my higher self:  “Is this my fear”?

The answer came immediately.

Right in front of me there was a couple talking.

I looked at the woman and my stomach just churned. OMG! That’s  where the fear is coming from.
She was afraid of having cancer and I could feel her stomach shaking.

Good vibes and prayers went her way while i was doing a ritual of cutting cords with her.

The fear was definitely not mine and immediately I felt much better.

Then another woman came, sat next to me and started a conversation with me. She seemed really nice and out of blue told me all about her issues and asked if I knew anything about her condition.
I gave her some suggestion and she was getting excited.  She felt very optimistic and wanted to try my suggestions.  We were both into sharing natural modalities of healing and very excited about our conversation when suddenly the fear returned.

When I looked up I saw the first woman coming out of the doctor’s office looking so red and worried.

I sent her more blessings and fear disappeared again in a few seconds.

Healers, empathic and sensitive people have a “thinner shield body” than others. That’s why protection is necessary.

We usually hold others fears in our stomach (solar plexus). A good protection amulet to block people’s fears is the solar plexus chakra pendant.

And protection orgone pendant is great to protect the entire aura preventing us from picking up all other people’s emotions.

There are so many techniques that can be used to stop picking up others emotions.

Cutting cords is the one I prefer as it’s fast and efficient.

So wearing orgone and cutting cords when necessary is the key to success (at least for me) in dealing with others emotional energy.
Here you can read more about Cutting Cords Technique.

When Empathy is mastered it can be used as a powerful spiritual healing tool specially for healers as we can feel others emotional energies.

But that requires developing the skill of conscious empathy rather than unconscious empathy.

Many Blessings,

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Ascension, Drama and Spiritual Practice

People’s reaction to everything that’s ‘not-true’ create a massive explosion of energy which can be heavy but this is part of the “Ascension”.

As we go through the waves of Ascension we deal with a rollercoaster of emotions that are accumulated in a cloud of detrimental energy created by collective fear and negativity. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and nature’s fury could be the result of accumulated negative thought forms in our collective consciousness.

Some say they cannot stop crying, others have headaches, hard time sleeping, and so on.

I talked with a friend the other day who said she couldn’t stop crying the entire day.
I asked if the sadness she was experiencing was her emotion or other people’s emotions she was picking up?
“Mostly others” she said:
“It’s so hard as an empath to walk among people who are suffering, who are afraid of the future, who struggle. It’s so hard not to absorb these emotions”.

Yes, as empaths we want to help, we want to stop the suffering of the world.

But Can we do it?
I don’t know.

What I know is that Embracing a Sadhana ( spiritual practice) will help us feel at peace with ourselves and that will help throw a small drop of positive vibe into the vastness of Cosmos.

Drama – NOT your guru.
During waves of Ascension situations might feel worse than they actually are.
It’s so much easier to blame or criticize others for what happens to us, but that will only pull our energy down.
We lose energy when we engage in drama, gossip, small talk.

There are two ways of looking at things: blaming and criticizing or working on finding solutions and positive outcomes.
Notice if there is any drama surfacing around you and chose not to participate.

Together we can raise our vibrations and we can positively affect everyone around us.
Our power is immense.

Time spent with and on yourself alone is very beneficial.
That is why personal sadhana is so powerful.

Sadhana – Spiritual Practice

If sadhana in not part of your daily life you might want to get into it.

It will boost your energy, will purify the mind, lead you to self realization, prevents you from suffering.
We can shift habits that are disempowering and enhance our life energy to manifest highest potential.
Your sadhana will become a natural support for you. Where attention goes energy flows.

Before starting your sadhana

Ask Yourself:
What do you want to achieve?

Then set an intention.

It helps if you write it down and make a promise to be dedicated to your daily practice.

Create an altar
Place what you desire on your altar and decorate it with candles, flowers, incense, pictures of anything meaningful to you.
However keep it simple and you focus on one object at a time that will remind you of your intention.
The object can be a statue, icon, picture, crystal, rock, amulet, whatever you are attracted to.
Orgone is a great tool to incorporate in your spiritual practice/altar as it is already energized.

Mantra Recitation/Chanting

Recite, stay with a mantra for 21 days, 30 days or 40 days.
It will empower you; it works great with subconscious mind.

Although Sanskrit mantras are very powerful, if you don’t resonate with them, chose a mantra that you are comfortable with.

An affirmation, a declaration as simple as “I am in perfect health, harmony and peace” would do.
If you can wake up before the sunrise and recite your mantras (108 times) that would be even better as the world is still asleep. (at least in your time zone)

After you finish your mantra, sit quietly in meditation.

Meditation in front of the altar

How much to meditate?

It is totally up to you, anywhere between 2-60 minutes.

Relax and be natural.

During your practice your mind will wander.
And that’s okay, catch your thoughts and focus in the space between your thoughts and come back to your practice. This space is pure consciousness because your thoughts are overlaid on consciousness.

Don’t try to still your thoughts (it takes time to achieve complete stillness of mind).

Do it every day and see how you feel, observe what’s shifting in your life, what is surfacing.

Write in a journal anything that comes to mind and revisit it at a later time.

If you need help and guidance choosing a spiritual practice and mantra for your sadhana, book a session with me.
I will look into your struggles and patterns that are preventing you from achieving your highest potential and together will come up with a personalized sadhana.

Many Blessings and Happy Powerful Sadhanas!!!

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Aura Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Aura Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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The Axis of Earth Titling. Massive Shift. What’s next?

Everything is changing including You!
Our planet is purging, detoxing, shedding skin. We are purging, detoxing, shedding skin.
Earth’s Axis is Tilting, some say 18 degree tilt.

The earth is slowly shifting (thank God it’s not a fast change) and it’s shifting from current field to magnetic field.
The shift is erratic, all over the place, it seems chaotic. We all feel its effect.

We are shifting for many years, but soon will be coming to a point of equilibrium.

This Month the Shift is increasing big time and I personally think/feel we are half way through already. This is why we feel out of sorts and lately it seems like everybody is feeling it. Because of the shift, solar activity is increasing and we experience geomagnetic storms and solar flares.

Do not be afraid!

We are getting help from the forces of light.
A new system is already in place and we are protected. Darkness is almost gone.

Seeds of Awakening have been planted since 2002 by Forces of Light.
This is when I first learned about Orgone.

The forces of light forces thought us how to create and spread orgone to awaken masses’ consciousness. Since then so many of us used orgone to help not only with our own individual growth but also with planetary shift.

The Earth has survived. She will always do, but most important we humanity survived.
We are still here.
Aren’t you grateful?

Why do you think we are going through so many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc and the damage is very little and we don’t hear much about it?

The helpers have been known for many years as White Great Brotherhood, Great Masters, The Galatics, Forces of Light, etc.

Many of us work with them and I believe the White Hats work closely with them.

The Matrix that was operating on greed, mind control and lust is now being restructured where toxic programming of evil forces is now being deleted, canceled, annulled, restored.

Many of us have cancelled our contracts with the dark forces and that created a big glitch in their matrix which allowed the Good Forces to take over.

Last week while I was doing spiritual awakening work in the Matrix with two of my friends something big happened.
One of my friends who is very psychic saw a few flashes of light out of the window.

I said: “these are the good guys working from the invisible world letting us know that something is coming. So let’s see what happens next”. We were getting ‘underground bases’, ‘inner earth’ and ‘shaking of the world’.

After about 20 min I decided to lie down in bed.
and then Boom!
That’s when an Earthquake happened. 4.6 Magnitude!
I asked my friends:
“Did you guys feel it? An earthquake!!”
They said No.
I called my other friends.
No one felt it.
If I wasn’t lying in bed I wouldn’t have probably felt it.

So what happens?
Our Helpers are doing the work behind the scenes, quietly, diligently, without much fuss, so we don’t feel the shift so massively which would create havoc. If we could see what is going behind the scenes we would have a breakdown and that would interfere with the progress and take us back in time.

This is just an example of how our helpers work behind the scenes keeping the fear out of the matrix, so the frequency of planet stays high.

The planet is restructuring, readjusting, resetting. And it’s done with the help of our Brothers and Sisters from other dimensions.
No fear!
Bad Guys are being taken down. Darkness is leaving. We get our integrity back. Cabal almost eliminated.

We are ONE consciousness. (not the fake “consciousness” based on fake reality led us to believe and manipulated by the dark side of the Cabal).

We are One Consciousness emerged from Integrity, common sense, work, love, compassion and Truth.

This is not the time to indulge in drugs and alcohol or any addiction. Be sober; go on a detox with fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, gentle exercise, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, sauna, essential oils, herbs and lots of prayers.

Time to let go of all toxins including toxic thinking and align with the magnetic Earth.

By being grounded, in the heart, fearless, detoxing and trusting the flow of Mama Earth.

By the way we have a special offer of 10% off for our grounding feet chakra balancers until Friday.
Use coupon ‘pisces’. First come first served, as they are handmade and stock is limited.

Next as we grow our awareness, the Forces of Light are working with us diligently to help others awaken to the new dimension of Earth.

We are angels in training.
…we are getting our ‘wings’ accustomed with the upcoming energies of light.
Get ready.

I give Thanks to Everyone who has been part of my Journey.

Have an Easy Shift Everyone.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Shifting Energies are Amplifying and How to stay Safe

Flying and Currency Exchange Dream: Financial Systems Replaced?

Hate him or love him, that’s just a lesson to learn.

He might be perceived as evil by some and God’s sent by others.
He could be both as he is a Gemini.
Duality at its best. Yet Duality is part of life.

I like Rabindranath Tagore’s quote:
“Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.”

Last night I had a dream with someone famous.
My dream was Weird!
In my dream he was piloting a small airplane.
It was just the two of us in the airplane.
I was enjoying the flight as I could see the ground from above through very large windows.

We landed in a country that I don’t recall and walked together in a building where he took out a stack of money and asked me: “how much money should we exchange?”
My reply was a small amount.
He put on the table a lot of money, way more than I suggested.
I said: “what are you going to do with so much money!!”
He didn’t say anything and carried on with the exchange.

Money dreams can be hard to be interpreted.

I woke up asking myself:
“What if this has to do with a change in currency or change of financial systems?”

And because this dream happened around a powerful Full Moon it might be prophetic.
We shall see what unfolds.

Dreaming about flying an airplane at high elevation could be interpreted as great awareness and high consciousness.
Money Dreams are not only about material wealth but also spiritual wealth and relate to overall being.

I want to believe that golden age is coming where everyone has enough food on the table, enough water, a roof over their head, be joyful, free and at peace.
I wish this would come true.

In fact how about saying a little prayer right now?
Pray for individual abundance and also the entire worlds’ prosperity and well being.

Money Belief Systems

One belief system (detrimental) is insecurity around money, thinking never have enough, not being able to enjoy anything in life because of always thinking ‘lack of money’ or ‘putting aside’.
This is telling the Universe ‘there is never enough’.

Another belief system which is healthier one could be ‘there is more than enough, plentiful’.
Also being responsible comes to mind. Using money in more responsible ways.
The small amount of money to exchange (in my dream) could mean either a limited belief financial system or a healthy belief system, depends on how we look at the situation.
Some people are happy with more while others are content with less.

The dream was about exchanging money.
Money is also perceived as energy.
Perhaps exchanging energy with others?
Being social, spending more time with family and friends.
Connecting on deeper levels; more in person not only through social media.

May All Beings have enough, be joyful and free.
Much Love,

How to create your Abundance and Prosperity Corner?

Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant

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May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Love Yourself Meditation Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant