Dolphin Power Animal — Totem

Dolphin, Power Animal, Symbol of Breath of Life, Love, Balance and Community

By Ina Woolcott

“Dolphin teaches us that when we live in tune with the patterns and rhythm of nature, we learn how to truly be in touch with, resonate and communicate with All That IS and how to share this sagacity with anyone interested. There are those that believe Dolphins are more intelligent than humans. Especially when it comes to love. They have large brains, superior intelligence and are often associated in mythical lore with higher forms of consciousness. Some believe they are far more evolved than we are, especially on a spiritual level. Some believe they are alien beings from a different dimension.

Dolphins are connected with the power of breath and with emotional release, which are also both deeply connected. One of the most important factors in spiritual growth is to give ourselves the freedom of full experiencing our feelings and emotions. Often negative emotions are suppressed as we don’t want to be a part of them, so we try to stay apart from them. Feelings of sadness, pain, anger, grief. We need to stop doing this, as this only lays the foundation for disagreeable outcomes. We need to feel our feelings, by suppressing these feelings, of course they DO NOT go away. They are still there, subconsciously, manifesting blocked energy with-in, and if these blocks aren’t removed, this can go on to physical imbalances, with-out. On top of this, by blocking these so called negative feelings, this can result in losing the quality of being able to feel at all, losing much of life’s joy. Becoming dead to the world.

Simply stated breathing is conversing with the outside world. When people feel that the outside world is a source of pain, they learn, very frequently at a young age, to constrict their breathing. The diaphragm is built to assist us in breathing and to feel deeply, but it becomes suppressed. When we learn to breathe deeply we can learn to feel deeply, in turn letting go of stifled feelings. One way of doing this is to copy the dolphins pattern of breathing, a superb tension reliever!. Dolphin breathes deeply, holds his breath underwater, then breathes out forcefully. Living in water is an important characteristic of Dolphin, as in many belief systems, including astrology, water is related to feeling and emotion.

If Dolphin swims into your life, he is asking you to relish water both physically and mentally, swimming freely and going along with your natural feelings. He is showing you how to enter the waters of life and then with breath and sound call forth what you most need or desire. Dolphins use a variety of whistles, grunts, clicks, and body postures to communicate. They have unique, personal whistles they give out. If they want to get the attention of another Dolphin, they give out their personal whistle. Sound is the creative life force and a big part of dolphins life, therefore this needs to be a part of your life. Communicate. With those around you and All That Is. Creating inner sounds creates outer manifestations. If Dolphin is your power animal, you may do well using your voice for healing or communicating, whether incorporating this into a job or just as a hobby or in day to day life with those nearest and dearest to you..

Dolphins have a wise, innocent, purity of being which reaches out to our inner nature. Follow their lead and open yourself to the energy of love, harmony and balance. Express your inner truth, be true to yourself. follow your inner joy. Dolphin is asking you to go back to your roots, to the depths of your being and rediscover the Love that you truly are.

Dolphins spend most of their day playing. Their life is lived in joyful harmony with each other and their world. Apparently they have learned the lesson that love is the most important factor in life. If dolphin is your power animal he may be there to teach you how to love yourself and your world more. A big part of Dolphins medicine is living in balanced, harmonious communities. They live in big groups of up to 100. Females will give birth to a single offspring, with several dolphins around her, helping with the birth, pulling the newborn out by its tail. They then protect him or her from any imminent danger. If a dolphin is hurt or ill, other dolphins will tend to them, lifting them to the surface to breathe.

Dolphins Wisdom Includes – Knowledge of the sea, change, patron of sailors, harmony, wisdom, balance, Communication skills, freedom, trust, understanding the power of rhythm in your life, use of breath to release intense emotions, water element magic, unselfishness. Dolphin reminds us to get out, play and most importantly, to breathe. “

Check this beautiful Dolphin Collection

Dolphin Communication Orgone Pendant

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Angels of Protection Empowerment
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Animal Spirit Guides

(excerpted from Animal Spirit Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer)

AnimalTotem3Those spirits that are in animal form that teach us, guide us, empower us, and help us heal are called animal spirit guides or spirit animals. In shamanic and indigenous cultures they’re usually called totem animals or power animals. Often these terms are used interchangeably, although there are subtle differences in meaning.

The term totem animal has two meanings. First, a totem animal is typically one that is shared by a family, clan, or group. In indigenous cultures, the family you were born into all have a totem animal in common. In modern societies, various groups also have communal totems, such as sports teams or clubs that identify with a totem animal. A second meaning of totem animal is a representational object of a particular animal, like a small tortoise, owl, raccoon, or hawk figurines. We often give our children totem animals, like teddy bears or bunny rabbits to give them comfort.

The term power animal has its origins in shamanism. This is a specialized animal spirit guide the shaman or shamanic practitioner acquires early in their initiation into their practice. Their power animal travels with them whenever they go on a shamanic journey, which is an altered state of awareness in which the practitioner sends his soul or consciousness into non-ordinary reality—another term for the spirit world—to receive teachings, guidance, and healings. You can, however, have a relationship with a power animal even if you’re not a shaman or shamanic practitioner. They may come to you in meditations, visions, dreams, or shamanic journeys. It’s a highly personal and specialized relationship with an animal spirit guide, one where the personality and characteristics of the particular power animal that you have attracted to you are reflective of your own personality and characteristics.

Although every creature on the planet can be an animal spirit guide, in some traditions domesticated animals can’t be power animals because they’ve lost much of their wildness and are removed from the natural world. Likewise, some traditions believe that insects are to be excluded from being power animals because of their size and nature. I have, however, included both domesticated animals and some insects such as butterfly and dragonfly my book, and even two mythological animals, dragon and unicorn, to account for those who have enough of a special relationship with them to call them power animals.

However to experience the tremendous value of working with animal spirit guides you don’t need to be a shaman, have any interest in shamanism, nor be associated with an indigenous culture. For most purposes you don’t even need to be concerned as to whether an animal spirit guide is a totem or power animal. Instead, consider these wonderful beings as spiritual allies that want to reach out to each and everyone one of us who are open to their guidance and, when called with sincere intent, will respond.

One of the great advantages of working with animal spirit guides is that the actual animal is physically and symbolically present in so many ways throughout every society and culture on earth. Because of their abundant representations in third-dimensional reality, they’re continually in our consciousness. Depending on how and in what way they show up in the material world, whether in the flesh or as a symbol, their appearance can be a representative of the spirit of that animal. When an animal shows up in an uncommon way or repetitively as spirit guide, that animal isn’t just the single animal, but is representing the entire species. The hummingbird that flits about and then hovers for several seconds directly in front of you isn’t just a hummingbird but is carrying with her the essence of all hummingbirds, and is therefore Hummingbird with a capital “H.” That’s also why when we speak of an animal spirit guide, we leave out the “a” or “an” as a way of recognizing and honoring that spirit animal. The hawk that visited me wasn’t only a hawk, but in those instances was representing the essence of all hawks, and was therefore Hawk.

Not only do these spirit animals help us in many ways, but another positive effect is that you’ll deepen your appreciation for the magic and mystery of all animals, whether they are of the air, water, or the land. Every being on this beautiful and majestic planet has its place in the web of life, and as we develop our consciousness and awareness of the unique quality of animal spirit guides, we enhance our relationships with all of our animal brothers and sisters.

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Vision of the Shaman Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Vision of the Shaman Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Connect with Angels through Dreams and Intuition

ascensionThis is a great article about connecting with angels when you open channels of intuition and opened to your dreams.

“Two of the ways in which you can connect with Angels is through dreams and being open to receiving guidance through your intuition, the still-small voice within.
Reaching through the veil between realms can be a challenge if you are resistant to raising your vibration. Angels have a very high energy which is why they are difficult to see with physical eyes. It is much easier to see with your inner-sight or sense Angels through emotion and through energy.

It is possible to connect with Angels during your sleep-time when the veil between the Realm of Spirit and the physical realm is thinner, more transparent.
A dream is another type of language, a means of communication by-passing the conscious mind.
One of the best ways to connect with Angels during dreamtime is to meditate just before going to sleep. Try lighting some incense focusing your thoughts on the scent allowing your thoughts to drift softly.
Ask your Guardian Angels to connect with you in a way you can easily understand and recognize, asking for any messages they may have for you while you sleep.
Don’t be surprised if you remember your dreams when you wake. You might choose to have a notebook and pencil to record any thoughts or images before you start your day. Trust what you write down, you can always come back later to ask what the images and thoughts mean to you.

Another way to connect and communicate with Angels is through intuition. Asariel is the Angel of Intuition and Insight, he encourages people to trust their inner-voice and act upon the guidance received. This Angel assists people with developing their creative imagination which is an essential part of manifesting your heart’s desires.
What is intuition? It is a non-thought, a physical sensation which resonates in your Heart or Solar Plexus Chakra energy centers. It is the still-small voice or a thought that just “pops” into your mind.
Intuition is not something that can be validated in the physical realm nor is it easily explained. It is the other voice, emotion or thought that is not from Ego mind chatter.Intuition is a knowing that resonates deep within your heart. It is a sense of absolute trust that what you are experiencing, sensing, thinking or feeling is centered in something, an energy that is not physical in nature. It is the “voice” that nudges forward along your path. It is a way of receiving guidance and messages that are for the most unexplainable.
Whether you choose to connect with Angels through your dreams or choose to develop and expand your intuition, it requires more than practicing meditation. Either choice asks you to trust the information you receive, to have faith as you practice quieting your conscious mind, you open your inner channel connecting you with Divine Source.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Have fun connecting with Angels,


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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

What is Sacred Space? Why use it?

Sacred Space makes you BE in the Present Moment: HERE and NOW!

It makes your life magical and purposeful.

If you want more healing in your life, more magic, more fulfillment, more joy, insight, peace creating sacred space is a good start.
There are so many energies available in the World of Spirit. When you access your sacred space you open your channels of intuition and inspiration, not to mention the variety of true friends that are always ready to help and assist you.

Listen to the podcast of how to create sacred space and what elements to invoke, why to create sacred space and more… HERE

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Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Grow Angel Wings from your Spiritual Heart

Thank God for the Ministry of Angels and Spirit Guides!

Every time we ask for assistance they rush to help us, delivering tons of “goodness”.

On one of the moon transmissions which happened on 11-11-11, I invoked Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides as usual.
This time they shone their magnificence stronger than ever.

I have found myself crying, with tears rolling down my cheeks as their energy was so pure!

They have empowered us and if you were present at the time of the transmission and felt it, you know what I am talking about. Two days after the moon transmission their magnificent energy was vibrating really high!!!

Along with the empowerments they have gifted us with, they also showed me a dynamic heart meditation to sprout wings from the heart center in order to connect with our angel.
I am happy to share this with all.
So check out in the video below, to find out more about this Angel Connection Meditation.
Enjoy it, share with others and leave a comment if it helped you!

Dear Lilly,
For the full moon transmission let me just say that your insights on the angelic realm and angels and the technique regarding growing angels wings on your heart chakra was right on in its effective-ness. I have been doing that since for several weeks and its results are amazing. The spreading of the wings during troublesome emotions reminds you of your true nature as a being filled with light! and helps you shake off any negativity and fly above it with brilliantly shining energy…Its become my favorite technique :)” – Ashley

Angel Blessings,


PS: More info on Moon Transmissions – to receive them sign up our newsletter here:

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

The Spiritual Molecule – DMT in Ayahuasca

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), is produced by the pineal gland during dream. It is found in many plants and animals. It allows us to perceive and interact with the spirit world beyond the veil of illusion of physical reality.

I was fortunate enough to work with shamans in Peru in a very spiritual environment and experienced the miracles of Ayahuasca that contains large amounts of the spiritual molecule – DMT.

Check out my trips to Peru: 2009 and 2010

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Dolphins and their Healing Energy

Many people experience healing while in the water with dolphins.

528 Hz is the frequency that opens the heart inviting LOVE that is the ultimate healer!

Check out  dolphin adventures on this blog:

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Why use an Altar? What is an Altar?

altar for prayers and rituals
An altar is considered sacred and it is used by many cultures, religions, traditions. It used to focus your awareness to something you want to manifest, achieve, desire or worship. It represents who you are, your family and dear ones. It is a place to retreat for prayers, meditation, quieting the mind, relaxation.
Building your own altar can uplift your life and bring you blessings.
What items to use for your altar?
Incense that you adore, candles, fresh flowers, fruits, gemstones and crystals, orgone creations,symbols that you honor like angels, dolphins, fairies, spiritual animals, pictures of your teachers or dear ones, statues of divinities etc. The orgone cones and pendants that I place on my altar uplifts energy of the altar and behave like portals of entrance for the good spirits to come to my spiritual sessions/moon transmissions.

I also use white sage and palo santo wood for cleansing space before entering a ceremony or meditation. They offer protection, have a very powerful effect on the third eye (psychic sense) as well as making it easier to enter an altered state.
An altar can be as small as a candle or incense or you can expand it by adding symbols that you’d like to work with.

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Why the power of manifestation or prayer is more powerful when using an altar?

You give powers to your altar by invoking the energies that you want to work with: angels, archangels, spiritual healers, shamans, dolphins, fairies, dragons, goddesses, spirit of power animals etc.
When invoking these vibrations your mind enters an altered state of parallel world of existence where vibrations are perceived differently and your mind is able to move between worlds and communicate with other spirits depending on your ability of communication.

Keep your altar clean, dust it on a regular basis, honor it, enter the space being humble, with respect. Sacred music can be played or use chanting to amplify the focus and powers of your ritual/ceremony.

When you have completed your work in front of your altar give honor to helping spirits or energies you have been meditating or working with and ask the spirits to depart in peace.

I honor all traditions, faiths, religions, so my altar is the result of study and experience intuitively of a multitude of faiths and philosophies.


In the video below you will see my altar for moon transmissions/blessings where I added the work of 4 elements: fire, water, earth, air, and Sky- Male Energy, Earth- female energy and the Great Spirit of Wisdom, Healing, Light and Truth.


May your altar serve your spiritual expansion well.

Lilly Natures Blessings

You can read more about Moon Transmissions Blessings here

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May we suggest:

Protection Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Awaken Meditation Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Protection Orgone Pendant

Intuition Orgone Pendant

Healing, Manifestation, Awakening Meditation
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Cutting cords with the help of Spiritual Guides

Before I went to bed one night I got an inspired idea from my spiritual guides to place a spirit quartz crystal under my pillow. I knew it was necessary, but why? I had to find out the next morning.

After my usual “blessing everything in my life” morning “ritual”, I suddenly got it!
I remembered my dream. Yay!!! It’s so great to remember dreams, specially good ones!!! I have a great technique for it.

I traveled astrally all night and this is what happened:
In my dream I was watching a kahuna (ancient Hawaiian shaman woman) teaching young children at a spiritual psychic school how to remove unwanted cords. She got me really interested as cutting cords is one of the techniques that I use in my healing sessions.


I politely asked her to cut a cord as I knew I had one.

She asked me “How do you know you’ve been corded?”

I replied: “I just know it”.

After she scanned me she confirmed that I was having a thick unnecessary cord which needed to be released. As she was removing my thick cord I could feel a little pain in my solar plexus. After she completed removing the cord she said a “telepathic healing prayer” which I totally understood without hearing it with my physical ears to complete the healing process.

Speaking about telepathy, lately I find it so amusing reading people’s thoughts now and then…

Kahunas are a great inspiration to me: I am really grateful for their spiritual teachings and guidance, they my spiritual healers that work with me during healing sessions.

The energy that this spiritual guide was putting in the healing process was very intense.
She had also placed a pouch with wild high vibrational herbs on my solar plexus to speed up the healing process. After she finished her healing I watched her cleaning a very big crystal she worked with removing the cords. She mentioned to me that the cord I had was connected to three women in my life that did not served my higher level of my excellence and now the attachment was removed, setting myself and the three women free.

I gave her money – equal exchange of energy, I thanked and blessed her and interesting enough I woke up. The dream was so vivid that after I woke up my solar plexus felt like I have had psychic surgery done on it. My higher self (aumakua) knew that I needed the cord removal that’s why I placed the spirit quartz under my pillow to get help from my kahuna spiritual healer.

spirit Quartz Crystal

Spirit quartz crystal is one of my favorite crystals, I love their healing energy. I used them in my meditations, healing and spiritual work, moon transmissions and have them next to my bed. They clean and activate other crystals and gemstones. They are used for dreaming and astral projection. They are known to remove fear, they open and activate crown chakra and maintain a field of protection. They stimulate emotional, spiritual and subtle bodies. They are also known as Cactus, Fairies or Angel quartz.

I start working with them after I had a dream about gifting powerful ley lines on a sacred mountain. In my dream I was offering and placing spirit quartz crystals on powerful ley lines on a sacred mountain and in return I was gifted with more spiritual powers. I love my dreams!!!


Lilly Natures Blessings

Visit our spiritual guidance and counselling services here

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Connect with your Guardian Angel Meditation

Guardian Angel Meditation with Doreen Virtue.
She discusses the role of guardian angels in your life and helps you to meet your personal angels.
Your guardian angels are with you right now. Their LOVE is unconditional.

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Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant