Shifting Energies are Amplifying and How to stay Safe.

Sisters and brothers in light I feel you…

The Shift (Ascension) happens in layers, gradually, sometimes at a faster pace.
We are going through a really strong Shift and it will intensify even more.

We are cleansing in layers.
We experience extreme emotions that cause expansion in the body (in particular heart). Then it is followed by contraction and squeeze.
This phenomenon keeps repeating until it clears all the old stuff from our cellular levels.

At times it feels so intense that you feel like you want to go home. It might cause confusion in the mind and also you might doubt yourself about your spirituality and light.

We need a physical body in order to grow our soul, that’s why all the symptoms of spiritual awakening are felt in the body.

The matrix is disintegrating at a rapid pace and we feel it deeply.

Truth is being revealed and with it a lot of anger surfaces as the matrix disintegrate. That can bring a lot of pain and suffering in the world.

Light workers, empaths, healers feel it the most.
That’s why is important to release these energies by moving energy.

There is a great amount of stagnant energy to be cleared out and we are required to amp up our work.
When we sleep we awaken, we clear, we work.
However we need to do this work on a more conscious way.
We have to use intention more often specially before sleep and before waking up.

At times it feels like you are suffocating, experience short of breath. Our bodies are changing, our DNA is changing, and because the energies of light are merging with the old energies so fast, the body capacity cannot comprehend the increasing light and our minds can go into shock causing all kind of awakening symptoms.

Detach with wisdom.
If you take on others pain, suffering emotions, make sure you acknowledge there are not yours and release with wisdom, while being stable and centered in your own core.

Dark side has gone extremely insane.
Do not react to the insanity, instead act from a place of heart and wisdom. Remember that. Don’t let the madness escalate, breathe through it and allow kindness and compassion to take lead. Some who are still triggered and react with anger and frustration are releasing lower states of consciousness… Have compassion, have understanding, send light, send love.

Be observant.
Observe yourself on all levels.

How to move energy?
We have to move our bodies to release old stagnant energies of the matrix.

DANCE, yoga, thai chi, stretching and graceful movement. During this great time of shifting stay away from dangerous activities.

These shifting energies are so abundant that we need to stretch a lot to welcome them.

Have you ever seen new born babies stretching?
It is a sign of growing, adjusting with the world.
We experience very similar.
Our bodies need to stretch in order to welcome in the new energies of light while releasing the stagnant ones. We are experiencing a rebirth of consciousness into the new light energies.
Our aura is expanding; our energy field is getting bigger and stronger.

We are being helped by our star brothers and sisters who we are in continuous telepathic communication even if we are not aware of it.

Work with colors/lights, bring your chakras into alignment on a daily basis. Chakra work is very important during intense times.

Sisters and brothers in light I feel you…
We are making HUGE progress; we hold the sacred power while holding sacred space for others.

Sacredness is returning.

Remember by keeping ourselves in balance we help maintain the balance of our beloved Gaia.

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

WORK during sleep to keep us and the planet balanced and safe

We do a lot of work during sleep; WE meaning: empaths, sensitives, beautiful souls, light workers, earth angels, healers, nice people.

We interact with other souls: we help, we assist and at the same time we get assistance and help from other souls including our spirit guides.

I say this because with the chaos that happens in the world we need to stay in high vibrations and be protected. We need to remember our light; we need to remember our love.

If you remember the work you do during sleep, that’s awesome because you have an idea on where you need to focus on your life.

If not you might want to work on connecting with and trust your intuition and psychic vision.
Orgone does that. It helps you tune into the Universes’ network and open up our psychic centers.

I get insight about expanding our light everyday.

The shift that we are going through is HUGE!

Lately I feel trapped in my body at times and when I ask Spirit what it is I get the message that the energy that upgrades us is happening so fast that our body has a hard time adjusting.

That’s why we need to move energy by exercising, moving, walking, hiking and specially doing yoga or thai chi.
Old, non beneficial, stagnant energy leaves our body so we can welcome the new healthy, light energies.

And if you are a light worker/empath/earth angel you are helping with the transformation of the old into the new. Old programming that no longer work is being changed into new ways of free thinking for a world that works for everyone.

There are also many dark entities being released into the world to stop this massive influx of light, that’s why we see so much chaos happening at both individual level and global level.

I saw it psychically: the dark entities have power over and feed off negativity, fear and inflated ego. But once they have been hit by light they vanish fast. That’s why our work conscious and unconscious (during sleep) is important to keep the balance of ourselves and the planet.
Expand your energy filed (aura) and send light to these dark entities.

Tip: before you go to bed intend that you will wake up refreshed and revitalized and before you fall asleep send light and love into the world. Fall asleep doing that.

I am very grateful for all the free spirits, light workers, human angles, healers, lovers of life, smiley faces, positive thinkers, peace makers, peace activists, warm hearts for keeping this planet a beautiful place. In this crazy, insane modern world we need to stay positive and in high vibrations. I honor you! THANK YOU for all your work! You know who you are!!! You are unique! You are amazing!
~ Namaste ♥ ☮ ॐ

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Mantra to Uplift Spirit during intense time

Sometimes darkness takes over our minds and it is hard to see the light again.

I was on my divine journey into the unknown and felt sad, alone and a bit depressed.
So I asked Spirit to give me a new tool to work with.
We are guided to use different tools at different times in our lives.

So the tool was received gracefully.
I heard the Sanskrit mantra: “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” and started to chant it.
All I needed was a spark of light and Boom! Here I was back on my feet again, filled with positive energy, gratitude while I regained my confidence.

Imagine how much awareness and vibrational shift we bring into the matrix if we raise our vibes. Try it. It is absolutely magic!

We help with the consciousness shift as we serve. Seva is the Sanskrit word for “the art of selfless service” or work performed without any thought of reward or repayment.
In ancient India seva helps with spiritual growth.

We cannot allow the negativity to take over our lives. We need to stay present, extremely aware and catch the negative thoughts and be ready to change them immediately. Otherwise we risk falling into the spiral of negativity that hurts our soul. So be mindful of your thinking.

I am inviting you to not only to try but be the mantra. Sing with me (video below)

I believe Spirit wants us to use it during times of intensity. Let’s face it. 2016 has been such an unstable and wild year! Crazy people, crazy world, darkness, fears, high intense emotions surfacing everywhere in the world.

We need to go back to who we are: beings of light. We need to practice being happy.
This Mantra is such a positive mantra that helps you move from the sadness of your soul to the greatest of your soul.

Sanskrit language describes states of consciousness. It is the language of the mystics, the language of thought and consciousness, like poetry but have precision in the words.
Om (AUM) is the sound of the Universe where the word human comes from.
Chants awaken spiritual qualities in us. The energy lifts us above the mind, where thoughts can’t seem to reach us. Worry and stress melt away.

Someone asked me and you probably have asked yourself the same question:
“Do you have the English translation? In order for me to come from a sincere place, it would help if I know and understood exactly what I am saying each time?”

I totally understand, as I was there. First time I participated in a live music kirtan (chanting mantras) I had the same question and my yoga teacher who seemed to have read our minds came up with the answer and invited us to feel the mantra instead of looking for the English translation.

Our ego wants to know all the time, our minds want to be in charge all the time and we forget about how we feel, we forget about how to tap into our heart and let Spirit guide us.
Translations of mantras vary due to the fact that Sanskrit language is a vibrational language that has so many layers of meaning. So here are some translations but then again you have to find your own interpretation that comes from heart and not mind. You have to experience the mantra and feel its transformational power, rather than trying to understand it intellectually.

“I bow to the Lord who lives in the hearts of all”
“OM and salutations to the Indwelling One, substance of the Divine”
“Salutations to the Indweller who is omnipresent, omnipotent, immortal and divine.”

Please let me know what your experience with this mantra is.
Inner Peace,

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May we suggest:

Heal The Past Heal Your Life Love Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Download Confidence Orgone Pendant
Heal the Past Heal Your Life Audio w Special Effects
Love Orgone Pendant
Love Yourself Because You Simply Exist Download
Confidence Orgone Pendant

Dark Forces attacks on the free will and how to counteract them


Free Will, some call it Karma is “the ability to make choices without external coercion”.
Dark side can manipulate our free will, but it is extremely rare or almost impossible to crush the free will.

Even dark forces know there are Universal Laws that cannot be broken and as a consequence free will is respected.

However the only way to break ones free will is through manipulation.

We allow to be manipulated when we are complacent, when we are in fear, when we lose faith, when we operate in low vibrations of guilt, fear, jealousy, victimhood, greed, etc.

The Universe is built in such a way that Light and Truth prevails. But before we reach the light we go through darkness so we can “earn” the light.
Darkness attacks through different forms: manipulation, programming, amnesia, distortion of truth, hypnosis through mainstream media, chemicals in our food, water and environment to keep us submissive and asleep, alcohol, drugs, psychedelics, any form of addiction etc. The main goal is to keep us asleep so manipulation of the free will is achieved easily.

Being awakened breaks the spell of manipulation and illusion.

Being Aware
Awareness breaks us free from karmic manipulation. The more we go through challenges and learn from them our awareness increases.

True Knowledge prevents manipulation. Knowledge teaches us how to operate from our highest awareness to keep us protected.

Being responsible
We are programmed to criticize, judge and blame others for our own misfortune. That is extremely disempowering.
When you take responsibility for your own action, thoughts and energy you operate from your highest self, and higher self cannot be manipulated by dark forces.

Conscious/unconscious contracts and choices
Our life is the result of choices and decisions we made up to the present moment.
Nobody chose for you but you, whether you want it or not.

Along the years we have signed contracts both beneficial and non beneficial to our free will.
Some contracts we signed being unaware or unconscious, some we signed consciously.
The non beneficial ones we signed allow for crushing of the free will.

The cancellation of evil non beneficial contracts is such a great method to use so you can free the damage done to our karma.

When you sign to cancel detrimental contracts, there is a release happening in the karma and the destiny path as well as cleansing of aura and space around you. Here you can find the contract cancellation.

Fear is such a powerful enemy of the free will and the dark side uses all the possible weapons and methods to make us slaves of fear.

Fear of death is the most powerful of all fears. Once we understand that our spirit never dies and body only goes through transition/transformation we change the entire perception about death.

Fear of death can have many disguises. For example fear of not being accepted by society is another form of fear of death, which in fact is the death of ego.

Fear blocks our navel (sacral chakra)and that interferes with the ability to make right decisions. Conscious work and breathing through the second chakra helps to reawaken and balance this powerful energy life force center.

In conclusion:
Free will is our birthright. By continuous work on the self, increasing awareness, knowledge, operating from higher consciousness we can prevent attacks of the dark entities and forces and we can create a life of beauty and magic that we deserve.

Keep heads up, hearts open and free will alive.

May we suggest:

Cancel Man-Made (Evil) Contracts

Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant

Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Awakening Meditation

Cancel ManMade/Evil Contracts
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Awakening Meditation
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Overly Sensitive People this is for you!


My lovely Overly Sensitive People, Empaths, Earth Angels stop being victims of psychic energy, instead empower yourself by using the energy correctly.

I am writing this because I know way too many people with sensitivities.

Most are beautiful souls, givers, psychics, healers, very empathic and sweet.

I was there years ago and although I still have my sensitivities, I am now using them to my benefit.

When we come to the realization of how powerful we are, we stop misusing our energies.

Oversensitivity is the result of misusing our psychic powers. Instead of tuning into our powers we chose mostly unconsciously to be affected in a dis-empowered way.

I used to have migraines, headaches mostly in my left temple when there was something negative happening around me or in the world. I used to feel weak, had flu symptoms, felt nauseated and at times even vomited.

It is good to know what your psychic radar is.

Left temple is one of my main psychic radars. This is how I feel when something is not right. But before when I was dealing with negative emotions my left temple was hurting sometimes for days. Not fun. So I had to do something about it as it was unbearable.
Spirit and Angels suggested to work continuously on clearing my chakras with 3 lights method, which btw I talk about on my free ebook. And if you want to go deeper into cleansing with this potent technique I offer the recording with special effects. (long and short version).

My headaches are gone and sensitivities only come to warn me of danger ahead, but they disappear very fast, without me suffering.

Turn your sensitivities around: make them your allies.
Think of them as a blessings instead of curses.

Raise consciousness by raising your energy vibration.

So below I am sharing ways to raise your energy vibrations that work in your advantage as a sensitive being.

Check in with your body and see what foods your body agrees with and what your body rejects.

Some people might be sensitive to gluten. A lot of grains are genetically modified and I feel that even some of the organic ones might be affected.

Be aware of sugar. Most of sensitive people miss sweetness in their life. That’s why the crave for sweets. But once you start decreasing sugar in your diet, you start tuning into your own sweetness/joy/passion and you don’t need outside sweetness. The love comes from within.

Strengthen your Aura
Yes symptoms of Spiritual Awakening can be intense but that doesn’t mean you are weak. Weakness is not power. Reclaim your chakras, reclaim your aura, your blood, your immune system, your mind, your spirit.
Manage your energy field. Radiate strength and vitality from your aura.
When you exercise your strengthen not only your body but your aura.
Do what you can to move your body daily.
Clear, Align and Empower your chakras (check out my free ebook)

Go in nature. Hike, exercise.

Unplug from matrix once in a while, refrain from using technology all the time.
Technology as much as we like it and cannot live without can be extremely detrimental to sensitives when overly used. Nature counteracts the effects of technology specially WI-FI.
Everytime i travel in nature specially in remote places my aura radiates so much health, I can feel the vibrancy.
Manage your energy field. Radiate strength and vitality from your aura.

Chose words wisely
Words are extremely powerful. They are energy, they can be empowering or disempowering.
Take responsibility over the words you speak. They have the power to heal or harm. Chose wisely.

Negative vs Positive
A lot of people chose to stay away from negative people. Extraordinary! But you have to ask yourself if you are running away from others negativity because you are running away from your own? Do some thinking here.

It is more powerful to know how to deal with negativity, rather than running away from negativity. Life happens and negative situations are presented to us, we cannot be on the run for all our life. Instead strengthen yourself to the point you become bigger than any negativity thrown at you.

Boost your immune system
The main enemy of immune system is stress.

Deep Sleep
Dim the lights at night before you go to sleep. Deep sleep is essential.

Greens will reboot your immune system.
Rotate greens: kale, spinach, chard. Add spirulina and chlorella to green smoothies.

Relax: life doesn’t have to be rushing all the time. You don’t need to be busy every single second; you don’t need to answer every single phone call, text or email immediately.
That is stress; it weakens your immune system.

Go to a spa, meditate, take a nice long bath, do yoga.

Vacations, Explore, Travel
Take vacations and if you cannot go on long trips go for a day or two. Make priorities in something fun like visiting new places in nature instead of spending money on “things”.

Some are worshiping the word sensitive because it might be perceived as “cool” in the psychic/spiritual world. Just be aware.

Exercise as you are able. You need to sweat out the toxins of the mind and body.

Use essential oils like lavender, geranium and supplements like passion flower, valerian, ashvaganda.

Use Gem elixirs to calm or uplift your spirit.

Life is fast. Be aware of “the News”. They can enhance the stress factor immensely.

Drink plenty of water and add lemon often to detox.

Relax when you eat.
Breathe deeply and slowly before you eat. Never eat under stress.
Say a prayer to increase the vibration of the food you eat.

REMEMBER to take Long and slow deep breaths in the lower belly often during the day. It takes about 8 deep long deep breaths to change your brain chemistry.

Prayer puts us in a relaxation mode.

Meditation does so much good for the immune system.

Smile Often, make it a habit. It helps to increase your energy.

Laughter increases your vibrations. Socialize, be around people who are fun.

Listen to Music: both uplifting as well as calming.

Gratitude is real medicine for stress.
There is so much to be grateful for. Do it more often.

Grounding is extremely important for oversensitive people. Many oversensitive people spend most of their time in the upper energy centers. That can create disconnection from this world and Mama Earth. Not fun.

Don’t feed fears based on others propaganda.
When you live in fear you can be easily manipulated.

Rise your energy vibrations by creating art, music, making love, eat organic food, work with spirit guides, angels .

Let go and live life
You are powerful, you are a creator, you are an awesome spirit that knows how to use its powers to the benefit of own and the entire world. Just search within.

Wishing you strength and May the Power be with you.
May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Aura Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Aura Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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All Seeing Eye is now getting back in the hands of humanity


It is a day of revelations as I write this, and I don’t even know where to start.
My dear Psychic Sister Yasmine and I have been working together in the astral and physical realms for a long time, but lately we have been getting to the root of the puzzle, really. We are guided to solve clues and bring together pieces of the puzzles.

So last night I had this vision right before falling asleep, I like to call this powerful time the “sweet spot”. Do you know what I am talking about? That’s when we receive the most accurate information.
We have been working with the 5 pointed star, number 5 and 5 elements since our last sacred journey in Thailand and Cambodia. I was guided to create the 5 star orgone pendant and 2 powerful meditations/activations.

In one of the meditations there is an extremely powerful activation:- the activation of the “bindu”!!!!
Now this gets really exciting because…
This information has been hidden by the secret societies/illuminati.

The bindu is a triangle between the tree main energy points in the middle of the brain.

The third eye is the projection of the bindu, like its child if you will.
Third eye is not the bindu, but is the 6th chakra, a powerful tool for psychic vision.

The bindu however is extremely special because it’s the long kept secret of the “secret societies”. The sages, mystics and advanced yogis know about the bindu and work continuously with it.

But now the information feels safe to be opened to the ones who are resonating with this as we are moving officially in the 5th frequency resonance (5th dimension). No wonder so many of us are seeing number 5, 555, and 5 pointed stars, sand dollars, 5 elements everywhere!

The bindu is the main point of energy. It is also the first point in the 5 Star formations which is the Spirit element.
It is situated in the triangle formation and it pulsates gold color, the color of infinity. Here the pineal (feminine), pituitary (masculine) and the thalamus the neutral point, union of opposites unite.
These three united form a sparkle of golden light in the middle of brain.

This is an extreme powerful point of energy, the illuminati call it “All seeing eye”. (if you want to go deeper into this activation get the Star Activation and work with it as needed).

The symbol was hijacked and corrupted by the illuminati and used for malefic, selfish purposes.
I am using this word illuminati for a lack of a better term. You figure it out: secret societies, powers that be etc…
In truth the all Seeing Eye is the eye of God and it belongs to humanity and not just to a small class the “elite”.
It is time now to be united with all.

The 5 pointed star formation leads us to the bindu (triangle) which leads us to the ONE… all seeing eye, the Law of One, the Oneness.

The illuminati use the bindu to see into the future, past and even present. It is use to control and manipulate time and timelines.

Once they have hijacked the bindu they are the ones in power and they can do whatever they want. (we see so much negative happening: greed, fear, earthquakes, floods, wars, chemtrails, poison of the food, Monsanto, fake and illusion). Right?

But …

There is a problem here that they cannot control any longer.

The bindu/all seeing eye works with the power of the heart.

Illuminati don’t and cannot use the power of the heart as they operate out of greed, control, manipulation and fear. Now the power of all Seeing Eye is being transferred into the hands of humanity for Goodness, Peace and Harmony.
The bindu is such a powerful tool!!!
Can’t you feel it?
I am high over heels in love with this information!

The information that we both got during these past months is getting to solve one of the most powerful mysteries.

Yasmine and I kept getting that on this day: May 28, 2015 there will be a big major shift. We searched to see what others were getting and we found out that someone posted about a major earthquake on this day. Earthquakes are just shift in consciousness.
Working out the numerology: the 28 reduces to number 1 which is the all seeing eye, the bindu which is being recovered. However we need more people to activate and work with the power of the bindu.

Then the entire day 5/28/2015 reduces to 14 which reduces further to number 5.

The Star nations have been sending us all the 5 star information for a long time. Now it is making sense. We need to stay in the heart, be aware and conscious about the bindu and do Sacred Work.

Of course some of us are called to do sacred work, some not.
If you are called to do sacred work with the 5 pointed STAR keep reading.

While on a beach in Thailand I received a message to look for the children of the ocean stars. I look down and there were sand dollars everywhere. I first saw one and was OMG!!!
I Need to work with the 5 star formation, then I saw the second one, and was like OMG I need to send one to Yasmine, then the third one for my other psychic friend, then another one, and then they were everywhere. Then I understood that a lot of us need to work with the 5 pointed star formation and children of the stars. The Law of One is in fact all about the children of the stars.

Now the sand dollars were telling us that stars are everywhere, even in the oceans, in fact we are all stars.
It is fascinating.

I was then guided to create a 5 pointed STAR orgone Pendant.
So I did: I sent it out to friends and others who were interested. I was wearing one day and night and was getting clues.

Then I lost my head so to speak duh! and lost my orgone pendant. I never lose my pedants, I usually gift them. Arghh: I felt for a few moments…
Then I realized how attached I was to my pendants specially the new STAR one!!!!
Okay practicing non attachment I thought… which is true btw if we lose something dear to us…

So the entire thing happens at a festival ShaktiFest in Joshua Tree which is a bhakti (devotion) yoga and chanting festival, extremely cool!

Hmm… I have a story about this place.
In 2009 I went to the very first BhaktiFest festival in Joshua Tree.

Here something magic happened.
A few powerful women were called by Mother Earth to form a circle and open a portal of Divine Feminine Energy in this powerful location. We were supposed to be 12-13 women (the 13 being the Goddess Shakti Energy in her purest form). All women started to appear out of blue and we were forming the sacred circle to open the Maha Shakti – Divine Feminine. We were about 6 or 7 women that showed up all doing unique yet sacred work in unity until a man showed up and broke the entire charm. BANG! No more women, no more magic!
At the time I was upset as I thought our work was in vain.
But 6 years later (2015) I went back to Joshua Tree at the same festival and walked the sacred labyrinth.
Now my pendant was lost and wanted it back so bad so I can activate the labyrinth.

Inside the labyrinth I was getting clear messages from the Star nations.
In 2009 only 6 women showed up in the physical realm, to work on completing the circle of 12 (13 being the Goddess). Now the Star nations mentioned that the rest of other 6 women were present in the STAR form and we completed the mission. No wonder we see so much divine feminine being open everywhere.

More divine feminine portals are being activated via labyrinths by conscious women. Since 2009 I heard of quite a few women circles going on around the world activating divine feminine portals. It is fascinating!!!

Anyway my lost pendant appeared in the labyrinth opening the portal and although was invisible to the human eye was opening more clues, bringing more information to the surface.

Now I know this might sound crazy, insane to the human ears, but in the world of Spirit it all makes sense.

Then I was guided to go to a next labyrinth next to where I live in Las Vegas and walk another labyrinth.
When I arrived in the middle, the heart of the labyrinth, the moment I placed another STAR orgone pendant right in the middle along with a crystal something magical happened: wind started to blow intensely and a massive rain came from the sky, all in a few seconds of placing the pendant in the heart. Fascinating!

Then I got the information that we need to place these keys (STAR pendants) right in the middle of the labyrinths for a minute or two. You can take it back after and wear it. The energy of the stars will open the labyrinths which are portals between dimensions allowing the information from the stars to surface and to anchor them in the earth and humanity.

Since then we have received so many messages like the Bindu and All seeing eye and such!!! POWERFUL STUFF… it is time to take control back, not the type of egotistical control, but the kind that grandmothers will take when everything is in harmony and based on heart.
Woah! I am pleasantly overwhelmed and excited!
More women are gifting the Labyrinths with star pendants or star symbols and this is just so awesome!!! YAY!
Some people have the STAR Orgone Pendant and the 2 activations (Star Activation and the balance of 5 elements activation).

If you have the pendant please go out find a labyrinth and do the work. Make sure you use the activations first. If you don’t have the pendant but decide to get one, email me after you got it to send you the 2 activations free so you can work with the bindu and the balance of the elements.

Now even if you don’t have the pendant just use 5 star sacred geometry and walk the labyrinthS.

When enough of us do this kind of work we get the power of the all seeing eye in our hands, we open portals so the energy flows freely and we take control back in our hands. Now when I say control I mean balance of the elements, of the heart, of dark and light, feminine, masculine, and so on… we need harmony in the world.

What is happening right now in the world is the chaos before order has been reinstalled. And this is the right kind of peaceful order and not the new world order the illuminati want so bad for such a long time.

Power to the Bindu, Power to the truth, Power to the People,
Much Love,
Lilly from the Stars

Related Articles:
Joshua Tree (Bhakti fest) New Planet Birthing…
Sand Dollar Totem and the 5 Pointed Star ~ New Codes ~ Energies

Earthquakes, Stars and Labyrinths: Spiritual Work to release tension in the world

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone Star Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Earthquakes, Stars and Labyrinths: Spiritual Work to release tension in the world


Dear Earth Angels, Light and Miracle Workers,

We are called during these intense yet miraculous times to do work with the Earth and the Stars.
By now you know that Earth is shifting and we have to shift and align with her.
She is proving more and more everyday that she is a living being. Awww!
This is what I have received from Spirit and wanted to share with you.

We are called to do sacred work with the star people/nations and Mother Earth via labyrinths and star symbols.

For the past months I keep getting messages about number 5, STAR sacred geometry and lately about labyrinths.

The information from our star brothers and sisters is about anchoring the knowledge from the stars into the Earth via labyrinths.

Labyrinths are portals between heaven and earth and have unique transformative powers. Here the veil is very thin and energy which is trapped inside the Earth needs to be released.

While I was in the middle of the labyrinth in Nevada offering a STAR orgone pendant and a crystal to the portal, a strong wind started to blow and rain started pouring heavily from the sky.
This was one of the magical confirmations that the work was successful, true and real.
I immediately saw clairvoyantly a massive ray of energy coming to the surface from deep within the Earth.

There is much trapped dark energy inside the earth and it is ready to explode. That’s why the earth unrest (Earthquakes, Volcano Eruptions, Floods, – Earth Becoming Unstable).

A lot of sensitives feel shaky, dizzy, spiraling upwards and so on lately. We need grounding, we need centering, we need to do sacred work.
The dark energy is a mix of collective fear, anger, fracking, weather manipulation and so on.

Some might ask why do we need to let the energy out?
Well if we don’t release the tension, when it explodes it can create havoc.
Now mind you, this is work in the cosmic/ethereal/invisible realms, but it needs to be accompanied by physical work such as walking the labyrinth with grace and humility, praying and encouraging the healing of earth. Healing the EARTH is healing our humanity.
Now when the energy that is trapped inside the earth is released via labyrinths, the earth releases the buildup tension.
Ask the star people and angels for assistance and be in the heart space when you do the work.

If we manage to connect more labyrinths that are freeing this trapped energy we can help the shift become more stable and grounded in Love.

If you are close by a labyrinth go work with it.

If not just visualize doing the work and connect portals around the world together. They are release valves that help ease up the buildup tension in the world.

Offer crystals, orgone and star sacred geometry in the middle of the labyrinth or just use whatever your intuition guides you. The most important thing is to do the work.

When I was called to do the work I felt a little resistance but Spirit was way more powerful then my comfort zone mood and managed to go out and do the work.

The conformation was really mind blowing: a strong wind and rain followed by sunny sky after only 5 minutes. Was Fascinating and the energy of this opening really shook my body so beautifully.
Hope this info helps and you go out and do the work.
Walk the Sacred Labyrinths and encourage others to do the same. Lets activate the hearts of Humanity.
We are in this together and it is TIME!

Spread this wide and share the LOVE!

Peace and Much Love,
Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

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Protection Orgone Pendant

Be Assertive, Say No when you mean it, Listen to Intuition


In our month long trip to Thailand and Cambodia, we got many messages and lessons and we are still spinning high from the trip… Everything was perfectly magic and beautiful until the last day when we had a motorcycle accident. Ouch!!!

It wasn’t that bad.
But something big surfaced from the entire “thing”.

We decided to go check out a secluded beach and in order to get there we had to go off road. When we got to the top of the hill, we stopped and got off the motorcycle. I told my husband Constantin. “I don’t like it, I don’t feel good about it, let’s go back”.

But he didn’t “hear” me. All he said to me was Let’s go.
I just couldn’t say “No”.

We got back on the bike and went downhill.
Seconds before the accident, I had foreseen it, and still couldn’t say NO.

…and the motorcycle did not stop. We fell.

I hurt my tailbone and scratched my right butt cheek and some other scratches.
My husband got some scratches and bruises, however I was the one in more pain.

After the accident I was upset and angry because I didn’t stand my ground and said NO to Constantin.
My upset came because I could have prevented it.

But then Constantin with a smile on his face said: “well that was all part of the plan. The big plan.”

Deep down I realized that although I saw it coming and let it come it was to realize that I was aware,
awakened, I knew how to be present. I was alert and in control. And that was enough.

Yes we don’t need to suffer and go through pain, but we chose this life, we came into this life with a mission, and whatever is supposed to happened to learn the lesson will happen.

On our life journey we travel from point A to point B in different ways: dancing, spinning, laughing, and smiling or via accidents or challenges. We still get to the destination regardless of the medium of traveling. Perhaps it is time to change the medium into something light and happy.

Its part of Divine plan why we are on this earthly plane.

Lessons Learned – I hope you resonate to some or all:

1. Say NO when you mean it!! Be assertive!
Say No with grace without putting up a fight.
I could have said to Constantin: “Hey I don’t feel good about this, I decided to stop here and if you want to go by yourself then I will wait here.” Period.
No more, no less, no harsh feelings, no taking it personally.
Empathic, sensitive people just cannot say NO when we really mean it.
Although I have been working on this for quite some time, I needed a rude awakening to finally start to say NO to what is not in agreement with my soul and intuition.

2. Listen to that Gift you have: Intuition.
We all have it, yet we don’t listen enough.
Although I received a message in the shower that very morning about the accident I didn’t do anything to stop it.
Do you resonate?
How many times you ignored your intuition and cost you something valuable?

3. Use protection when on a high mission.
The higher the light the more the darkness is trying to balance it.
A day before the accident we received some powerful messages of light from Spirit about working with sacred geometry (sand dollar medicine and 5 pointed star) Powerful stuff, we’ll release soon.

The day we had the accident we completely forgot about protection and left our orgone pendants at the hotel. Although we have an energy protective field around us and angels are always with us, we need to pay attention to common sense, safety and use some spiritual protection.

4. Grounding, Grounding and more Grounding
Tailbone is the root, the grounding chakra.
Sensitives need to ground themselves on a regular basis.
We love roaming in the higher dimensions and it takes a Spiritual Slap to realize that we are still human and we belong to our beloved planet Earth.

When we spend time in high realms, we need to come back to earth and consciously ground ourselves.

Although I had the feet chakra balancers with me on this trip, (we take them everywhere), I was way too comfortable to wear them. Grounding takes work and dedication, but makes an empath’s life easier.
5. Lesson Reinforced:
Be responsible for all your actions, thoughts and behaviors.

6. Manifest with High Precision.
As my tailbone hurt, it was hard for me to sit down.
Let alone sitting for so many hours (24 hours and 3 flights).
So I asked Spirit for solutions. I sent energy out to my goals: manifest extra leg room on all 3 flights.
Everything worked as magic: I got extra leg room seats on all 3 flights!
What was the secret?
Determination and Focus! When your butt hurts like hell you better find the solution!

7. We create our reality – it might sound cliché
As soon as we fell, I heard the word “creation”
Did I create this?
Yes we both did. How?
Some negative vibrations prior to this.
We are human and negativity is part of life.
However we need to have the courage to recognize and break the ‘spell of negativity’ in an instant.

A friend of mine told me: Ask Universe to go through this Awakening Process easier.
And don’t forget that You are the Universe.”

Have you ever learned any of the above lessons? If so which one?
Was it the hard way or the easy way?
Would love to know. Comment below.


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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Synchronicity: How to Increase Synchronicities


The events that happen in our lives are not random.

There is a great Cosmic Intelligence that we are made of, which orchestrates everything with precision.

Although coincidences happen in life, they are not as meaningful as synchronicities.

Carl Jung defined Synchronicity as ‘the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.’

Synchronicities are related to psychic awareness, spiritual growth, telepathy and manifestation.

They are the result of the psychic energy that you have created before with your thoughts, feelings or actions.

Two types of Synchronicities
From my experience there are two main types of synchronicities and for the lack of better term I am going to use the words conscious and unconscious.

1. UnConscious -the ones you don’t know where they come from, they catch you by surprise
2. Conscious the ones that you manifest consciously.

The difference between the two is that: in conscious synchronicities you are aware of your thoughts, your feelings and actions, where in the unconscious ones you are not aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions.

So which one is better?
Well, they are different and I like them both.
The one that we create unconsciously is more spontaneous, it can surprise us and can lead us to question what thoughts, behaviors or actions created that particular synchronicity?
And the one that is consciously created reinforces the fact that we do a great job by aligning with the Source, giving us power of mastering own minds and spirit.

What do they both have in common?
An opened mind and heart. You recognized them when you believe in them.

Let me give you two examples of synchronicities for both unconscious and conscious.

Conscious Synchronicity

On our month long trip to Thailand, my husband and I spent 4 days on a live aboard scuba diving trip to Similan Islands, Andaman Sea.

One morning as we were heading to the dive site, I said a prayer asking the sea for permission to enter the water and have a magical time underwater, perhaps see something spectacular or have a great encounter.

Every time I visit a sacred site I usually make an offering.
This time I was guided to gift the sea with a heart orgone pendant – a gift from my heart to the heart of the sea and its inhabitants.

The moment the heart pendant disappeared into the water I psychically heard: “watch out for large marine life”.

So I went on the first dive without any expectation but a positive attitude and big smile on my face.

The dive like any other dive in the Andaman Sea was beautiful.
However on this dive I got cold and there was a strong current underwater that made me fin harder, hence my breathing was harder.

Suddenly out of nowhere I see a big creature flying towards us underwater.
It was a manta ray.
Mantas are graceful, intelligent creatures; I like to call them angels of the sea.

Once she made her presence everything became completely still: the current has stopped completely,
I was breathing effortlessly, I was just floating with no movement whatsoever.
It seemed like everything froze in time and space.
It was absolute magic.
All I could see and feel was the manta ray.

We had an encounter for about 4 -5 minutes, which was profound and we exchanged energy and information.

I felt that she needed some healing energy so I kept sending her energy.

Later I found out from a dive guide that the manta had a fishing net stuck in her mouth. No wonder she was asking for healing energy.

Although I couldn’t help her at physical level, we both helped each other by exchanging healing energy.
Unconscious Synchronicity
Solar Eclipse in Pisces –

The same day I had the encounter with manta Ray there was a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse in Pisces, where the Piscean Energy was activated.

So what was the Synchronicity?
When we booked this trip (about 2 months in advance) we had no idea that there will be a New Moon and Pisces Solar Eclipse while we were on the boat.
Eclipses are known to be stirring and surfacing stuff that needs to be changed.

If you are familiar with my work you know that I send out Healing Moon Transmissions for Full Moons and New Moons.
So I was a little upset for not being able to send out a moon transmission, but then realized, wait a minute I will be sending the Moon Transmission from Underwater!

It is not a coincidence: I am a Pisces myself, Pisces is a water element, the Solar Eclipse is in Pisces, we are in the Pisces month, so Pisces energy everywhere!
Sending the moon transmission from underwater was way cool, unique experience!
Why are Synchronicities Important?
Synchronicities are simply confirmations that we are on the right path.

They remind us that there is a high awareness, a spiritual awareness, a higher intelligence and we have the ability to align with it in order to fulfill our soul purpose.

Synchronicities teach us powerful lessons if we pay attention to them. They teach us what to change or adjust, and reinforce that we are on the right path on our evolution and life purpose.

They help us make decisions in life.

They are great personal development tools.

They give access to insight from the world of the unseen, help us solve puzzles of the mind and give us answers, creating “ahaaa moments”…

How to increase synchronicities?
Synchronicities will increase once you have decided to grow. If you are on an evolutionary path you will see synchronicities, telepathic communication, extraordinary manifestation and magic happen at an increase rate.

It requires work on your awareness: being more aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Watch your behaviors. Notice what you don’t like and work on adjusting.
If you want more synchronicities in your life then believe in them. Feel them intensely in your spirit… as the Secret is to be Consciously Aware.

Create a Spiritual Practice

Meditate – that includes sitting quietly, meditative walks in the nature, spending time with yourself, anything that takes the mind out of the linear thinking.

Prayer is a powerful tool for manifesting synchronicities.

One important thing is not to get caught up in the idea that you must have them.
Synchronicities appear when you least expect them.
That’s because we let go of the idea of wanting. This is detachment.

Be happy! When you’re happy chemicals are activated, synchronicities abound!

Work on expanding your Consciousness.
Consciousness is about individual experience and Awareness.
So if you want to grow or raise your consciousness go out explore and experience and focus on being aware.

I think traveling is the fastest way to expand consciousness.
My husband and I LOVE to travel, see mysterious places on Earth. (Check out our Sacred Journeys)
Journeying has a tremendous impact on growing our consciousness to new levels.

Now traveling with awareness, with a humble attitude of not expecting anything makes it even more powerful and fascinating.
So, Go out and explore. Nature will bring synchronicities to you!

Align and harmonize your internal world of thoughts and feelings with what happens outside of you and you will notice more and more synchronicities.

Listen to the audio (podcast) version of this article:

Once we reboot the entire thinking system and awaken to the reality that we are spiritual beings then we can recognize synchronicities.
The more love, harmony and unity we put into this beautiful Universe which is alive, the more synchronistic our life becomes.

Happy Synchronicities,
Lilly Natures Blessings

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Protection Orgone Pendant

Why more evolved spiritually people suffer or have some kind of illness or disorder?

I saw this question today:
“I’ve noticed that most of the people that are more evolved spiritually have some kind of illness or disorder, or as well, suffered more in life. They also are the ones who understand others better and are kinder than average. Why so much suffering?” from a group on facebook, so I decided to answer.
I see suffering and illnesses more and more everyday amongst spiritual evolved people.
I am also a living testimonial as well.
I have gone through 4 major near death experiences and I learned quite a lot and at the same time I feel like I know nothing. My first close to death experience was early in my twenties, when I was diagnosed with meningitis and sent home to basically die. An energy healer helped me with chakra alignment, high positive vibrations and removal of negative stuff from my energy field. I was perfectly healed in about 40 minutes.

As Spiritual suffering, pain and illnesses are the result of more than one reasons, I will share a few.

Chakra Misalignment (favoring upper chakras over lower chakras)
You would ask: How in the world this could be true, as Spiritual people know about chakras balancing and alignment.
Well Yes and No.
Intellectually we know it but when it’s time to put this into practice we lack awareness for some reason.

Most of the suffering spiritually evolved people operate mostly from the upper chakras (crown, third eye) and that can overpower the lower chakras, that leading to chakra misalignment.
People who function from upper chakras are usually suffering from depression. There is too much energy in the head area, upper chakras working way harder and not letting the lower chakras balance the entire chakra system.
It is a matter of misalignment.

We are spiritual beings who experience human form but also humans who experience spirituality. We need to be aware of both concepts as I see only one being favored.

We need the great marriage of all our chakras. We need to stay connected with the Earth as well as the Heaven. We need both energies in our awareness feminine/masculine.

During my suffering, Spirit gave me the answer that I was looking for.
Grounding/Earthing, working with the feet chakras, root chakra and working on aligning all the chakras.
That’s when the feet chakra balancers (orgone) extremely powerful healing tools came to me and since then I shared them with the world with amazing results.

Challenges – opportunities to grow and evolve
The more we grow the more we are presented with the challenges, specially as healers.
Shamanism is the oldest form of human spirituality.
In the shamanic tradition, shamans suffer with from strong illnesses before they become shamans.

These are challenges in life and without them we cannot really evolve.
But if don’t learn from the challenges we are hit with the same lesson over and over again until we get it.

After 4 close to death experiences, I learned a tremendous lesson each and every time and gained wisdom to heal self and share with others.

But 4 were quite a lot!!!
So I asked Spirit to lessen my evolution or better yet to open myself more spirituality and psychically so I can get the message without so much pain and suffering.

Asking Spirit, Angels and Guides is a very powerful thing to do. Trusting Spirit is such a powerful healing tool.

Light Vs Darkness

Spiritual people tend to work with the light only and darkness shadow aspect is being overlooked.
That again creates an imbalance in the entire energetic system that leads to depletion of resources.

During my awakening working with shamans in Peru, I was just staying in the love and light vibes.
And when the “wounded healer “syndrome hit me I was in so much pain and hated the entire healing process.
Then the shamans told me: “the more you heighten your vibrations of light the more the dark side tries to compensate”.
More astral entity psychic attacks and also physical parasites become more and more present sucking not only the life force out of us but also the nutrients in the body.

The more we acknowledge the darkness/shadow aspect of self and the world the more understating and appreciation towards the light we gain. And No I am not saying to worship darkness, no way. But understand it and be aware so it can be transmuted.

Open your heart but never give it away
Spiritually evolved people give their selves and their hearts to others unconditionally forgetting about their own love and own heart.
Native Americans say to open our heart but never give it away as it takes life times to get it back.
~ Hmmmm…

The energy of healing and love that we channel need to continuously flow freely, so we won’t get depleted.
If one cannot stay in the flow, he/she becomes sick. Then it is time to retract from the spiritual practice and live a human life for a while until the batteries are recharged. Unless one is a saint or a Ghandi with a high level of understating and wisdom who can continually keep the vibration of high love flowing it is almost impossible to not get depleted.

That’s when the concept of SELF LOVE comes into awareness. We need self love in order to love others. We need self healing in order to help others heal.

The bad part here is that there is an ancestral program, mostly religious, that says that self love is all about selfishness. And I am not talking about narcissistic type of love, but the true love.

That detrimental program needs to stop in order to heal and become a true spiritual being in a healthy body.

Only when you experience SELF LOVE you become ONE with all in the Existence.
Then happiness takes over, joy takes over and these are high vibrations that overcome illnesses and suffering. Joy is who we are. We just forgot how to tap into the power of the joyful child.
Wishing Health, Joy, Happy Chakras and Happy Life to ALL!
Post your comments and questions below. Let’s solve this “spiritual evolution problem” together.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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Protection Orgone Pendant