New Golden Era: Feminine Energies, New Codes, Lemurian Guidance


New Moon on Dec 13, 2012 was the continuation of the 12-12-12 sacred feminine

The new moon transmission was sent from Arizona’s desert in Carefree location.  I woke up before the sun rise, welcoming the first rays of the sun which are very potent.

The physical place where Spirit wanted me to be for this Moon transmission was in the middle of a large formation of Chrysocolla and Azurite rocks.

Chrysocolla – a stone of conciliation and reassurance, helping with grounding and attuning with the energies of Mother Earth.  It is known to be a great heart opener, and it feels very feminine in energy. Azurite on the other hand is the stone of heaven and has divine masculine qualities which open the third eye.  There couldn’t be a more perfect combination: heart energy combined with mind energy in perfect alignment in this perfect day.

Imagine the energy as I was meditating and sending the moon transmission while sitting on that large energy power house gems!!!

After completing the sacred space I invited Spirit with the message. As soon as I finished the invocation I saw a rabbit passing in front of me.
Spirit said: “Where is the rabbit hole taking you on this powerful day?”

Metaphorically  speaking the rabbit hole is the path which is thought to lead to the true   nature of reality. As Morpheus, from The Matrix is saying: “You   take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
So if you want to know your own truth you have to want it, search it, explore   it, do whatever it takes to find out what is it you want to know.

The rabbit hole took me on a short journey yet super empowering and I am so happy and humbled to share the messages from that unique moment in time that was a big mark on the cosmic calendar.

The rabbit hole guided me to the Lemurians – the ancient civilization which is in continuous communication with people around the world. They are guiding and teaching people from their own experience and help the humanity to move on with the evolution without repeating the same mistakes they did.

All of us were gifted that day with individual codes as well as global codes. I am here to remind you about the global codes. Some of you already had some hunches and knowing after this moon transmission about your individual codes. Now you can connect on a more profound levels and apply the codes in your daily life.
Lemurians have been coming to our awareness lately more than ever.

As I was sending the energies of the new moon to friends my attention was drawn towards the sun.

While welcoming the first rays of sun I see a portal opening that looks like a yellow -gold diamond shape with a beautiful blue color right in the middle of it.
The energy was outwardly beautiful.

FeminineGoldThrough the portal I see a female figure coming to our earthly dimension.  She is the energy of Lady Guadalupe, Mother Mary and Quan Yin or any other female sacred energy you are resonating or believe in.  She comes to the human consciousness to remind of the power of divine feminine: the nurturer, the mother, the forgiving, the blessings, intuition, compassion and Love.  It is time for all of us to embrace and welcome the power of our divine nature as the world is moving towards feminine energies that balance the divine masculine.

There is still a lot of resistance, and if we do not embrace our feminine qualities we suffer. It is time to open our hearts and let the ‘mother’ in.  The shift that is happening is a shift of consciousness.  It will take more years, perhaps as long as 12 years to accomplish what we have been working for many life times. Dec 21, 2012 was a huge shift, as we were preparing and building momentum for many many years. However that day didn’t complete the shift, that day was a moment in time where a lot of people came together in unity and celebrated life. It was the apex of welcoming the shift. For some people it meant nothing, for some it meant everything, it all depends on the level of growth, expansion and consciousness… No matter how old our soul is, we all made it, and this is a great accomplishment. Do not take it for granted.

Messages from the Goddess (Lady Guadalupe, Quan Yin, Mother Mary)

“Your codes that you are looking for, the knowledge that you are searching for is all within you. Teachers and helpers in your life are there for you to remind you that. You are the true essence of God. There are many distractions and obstacles on your path to prevent you from being your true self. They are placed there for a good reason to test your growth and evolution. Have faith and never doubt.

Love Yourself.

Do not try to please everyone with your words and actions. They have their own experiences to go through.  Your sacred duty is to stay true to yourself, raise your own vibrations and stay in high vibrations.
Regardless of your gender, Embrace your feminine side.”

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant

Divine Feminine Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
Divine Feminine Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Related Article: Emerging of the Sacred Feminine: Mayan Goddess Ixchel Forgives

Can psychics, intuitive people be meat eaters?

I get this question a lot.

SpiritualFoodWell a lot of psychics and intuitive people I know eat meat.

Let me be very clear from the start.
I am not here to tell you what to eat and not eat. It is a personal choice, also do not let anyone tell you what to eat or not to eat.

Either way it’s where you have to be right now.

Your truth is yours and yours only.

I grew up in a country where meat was one of the main ingredients for main meals. My psychic visions and feelings were present since childhood.

My body and intuition told me to stop eating red meat so I did many years ago. I have noticed a lighter body and more increased positive visions. When I gave up meat for good I have started being even lighter in my body and had more clear visions.

Our ancestors ate meat. Native Americans, elders and spiritual people still eat meat. However they do pray over it, bless it and give thanks.

What I personally noticed after I gave up meat was that my heart opened even more and the level of compassion and forgiveness I have experienced was even stronger.

No matter what your preference is make sure that you give thanks for the food you have on your plate, honor it, take time to chew it and make sure it is natural, organic. Cook more from the scratch and put love in your food. Food is spirit.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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8 minutes cosmic consciousness – Dec 21, 2012

Cannot stress enough the magnitude of this cosmic event that is happening.  All of us have been preparing for this event for many many many lifetimes.
Venus, Sun and Earth will be all in alignment.

For the ones that are consciously aware, the experience of this fabulous Cosmic Moment will mean everything, for those who are less aware consciously; Dec 21, 2012 will probably mean nothing.  An amazing influx of light will be happening, but each and every one of us will experience it differently, yet at super conscious levels will be the same… because “The One is All, and the All is One”
There will be a window of 8 minutes of cosmic consciousness coming to Earth which technology is trying to harness really hard…  We humans have the potential to harness it better than technology as our bodies are true miracles. Be present to harness this powerful ray of cosmic consciousness a unique opportunity.
Elders ask us to spend time in ceremony in nature for at least 8 minutes at noon (4 minutes before, 4 minutes after). Make sure you get out of buildings, out of concrete structure, touch the earth, be with family and people you love, meditate, pray, drum, sing, chant, dance, and celebrate!! Also spend time in celebration for the next two days: Dec 22nd and Dec 23rd.
We are totally entering into a new stage of consciousness – “the golden age”. However do not be disheartened or discouraged if the next day, Dec 22 everything will look the same.

Do not judge or blame your brothers and sisters that are unconscious, unaware, or still asleep.  We all have an agreement before we came into this lifetime, we all volunteered to be in this body in this particular cosmic moment in time.  When we raise our vibrations, others will raise them too because of the law of resonance which says that you will attract into your life what is based on the resonance/frequency of the energy that you are in.

And because some of us are aware and awakened is because of seeing the big picture: that we are not separated, that we are one, that we are truth, that we are love.  Our agreement when we came into this body was to experience the darkness of pain and suffering of humanity. We have chosen this in order to rise above this dense vibration and lift ourselves quickly and with our uplifting we help others lift.

In order not to feel too much pain that is happening to us we closed our heart center. That results in closing and blocking the feminine energies. Now because of the shift energies and infusion of feminine energies coming to our planet, we are being helped by divine beings, and angelic realms. The spiritual side of us awakens; hence the heart awakens so the connection with our higher self and divine Presence is being reestablished.

Physical body is not the only reality. We are awakening to see more than just physicality; we are awakening to remembering that we are also spiritual beings.

No one will be left behind: our souls agreed long time ago. Everyone is going to make it through this shift of the ages, thank to the powerful light energy workers around the world and cosmos.  For some it will be hard, for some easier. It depends on our contracts and agreements before we came in this physical form. However we all agreed to embody to this present moment in time to help raise vibration of Earth and Cosmos. It is a true honor to have been chosen to be in human form in this magnificent moment in time.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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Torus – the fundamental geometry in the universe

Torus is a geometrical shape that continuously ‘comes back to itself’, recycling its own energy. It represents our consciousness and the power of our thoughts. It demonstrates that Science and Spirituality are one. Torus is a powerful vortex of energy when it rotates.
The One is All, and the All is One.

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Battle between masculine and feminine must stop…

Regardless of our gender we all carry both energies: masculine and feminine.

When they are in balance our minds and hearts are in balance so our entire being is at peace.

If not there is a continuous battle between the two that creates a lot of tension in our lives.

Feminine powers are subtle and can create things beyond this reality.
Feminine energies hold important keys to our personal and planetary evolution. The calling to reclaim the feminine powers is increasing exponentially in many people. Also our planet is flooded with a lot of divine feminine energies as the entire collective consciousness is rebirthing.

The planet has had enough of the low masculine energies. Divine masculine is a higher form of masculinity. Divine Masculine is not aggressive, jealous, controlling, distant, detached male. Those attributes are of the low masculine energy. Instead Divine Masculine qualities are clarity, focus, humility, courage, strength. No need to battle the masculine. All we need to do as human species acknowledge the differences between lower masculine and high masculine and do the internal work to awaken the divinity in us. Similar with the feminine energies.

The internal work is about awakening the divine feminine powers of compassion, love, intuition while maintaining or developing the power of the masculine- strength, focus, courage. It is very simple. It is BALANCE.

Developing both qualities can be challenging but when they are both awakened we become whole and complete…

It is important to contemplate and meditate deeply and fully on these two qualities and the harmonious relationship between the two. Focus on these qualities how they show up in your life, what qualities are already present and where do you need to do internal work. This is a universal requirement for our evolution as well as spiritual advancement in these powerful times.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant

Divine Feminine Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
Divine Feminine Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio